52 Section 52 Section 52

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Rhinoplastic Chisels & Osteotomes Cinceles para la plástica nasal Scalpelli per plastica nasale

Straigh t R ight


SILVER 52-473-03 18 cm, 7“

SILVER 52-473-02 18 cm, 7“

SILVER 52-473-01 18 cm, 7“

6 mm

5 mm

5 mm

KILLIAN 52-481-05 16 cm, 6 1 / 4 ”

WEST 52-487-16 16 cm, 6 1 / 4 ”

KILLIAN-CLAUS 52-482-05 17 cm, 6 3 / 4 ”

FREER 52-489-16 16 cm, 6 1 / 4 ”

WEST 52-486-16 16 cm, 6 1 / 4 ”

mm HAJEK 4 52-484-04 6 52-484-06 8 52-484-08

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