52 Section 52 Section 52

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Nasal Rasps, Nasal Saws Escofinas nasales, Sierras nasales Raspa nasale, Seghe nasale

Fig. 1 52-526-16

Fig. 2 52-527-16

Fig. 3 52-529-16

PEET 52-523-01 Straight 52-523-02 Curved

GALLAHER 52-526-16 to 52-529-16

S traight redo retta

R ight derecha a destra

L eft izquierda a sinistra

JOSEPH 52-535-01 52-535-02 17 cm, 6 3 / 4 ”

JOSEPH 52-532-19 19 cm , 7 1 / 2

” 52-534-19


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