54 Section Section 54

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Tongue Depressors, Cheek and Lip Retractors Baja-lenguas, Separadores para labios y mejillas Abbassalingua, Divaricatori per guance e labbra

W ood madera legno

FRENZEL 54-105-16 16 . 5 cm, 6 1 / 2 ”

MAYO 54-103-17 17 cm, 6 3 / 4 ”

54-102-16 16 cm, 6 1 / 4 ” Pack age of 100

KROENIG 54-104-15 15 cm, 6“

BRUENINGS 54-107-19 19 cm, 7 1 / 2 ”

BUCHWALD 54-109-19 19 cm, 7 1 / 2 ”

54-106-01 14 . 5 cm, 5 3 / 4 ”

Angled 54-106-02 14 . 5 cm, 5 3 / 4 ”

CAWOOD-MINNESOTA 54-108-15 15 cm, 6“



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