54 Section 54 Section 54

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Retractors for Mouth and Jaw Separadores para cirugía plástica Divaricatori per chirurgia plastica

54-605-07 25 x 7 mm

54-605-12 55 x 12 mm

54-605-10 31 x 10 mm

54-605-14 70 x 14 mm

54-605-11 42 x 11 mm

54-605-16 80 x 16 mm

OBWEGESER 54-605-07 to 54-605-16 22 cm, 8 3 / 4 ”

54-610-13 42 x 13 mm

54-610-12 60 x 12 mm

OBWEGESER 54-610-12 to 54-610-16 22 cm, 8 3 / 4 ”

54-610-16 80 x 16 mm

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