City of Morgan Hill Economic Blueprint.docx

Demographics and Labor Force

Morgan Hill experienced planned population growth over the past two decades. The City’s family-friendly environment draws a relatively affluent demographic. The community’s median household income is over $96,000. The most common industries employing Morgan Hill residents are education and health care, manufacturing, professional, scientific and technical services. Nearly 60 percent of residents possess at least some college. Compared to Santa Clara County as a whole, residents are more likely to have received some college education but slightly less likely to have obtained a Bachelor’s degree or above – suggesting

that the City is home to many middle-skilled workers those with some postsecondary experience but less than a bachelor’s degree. (Figure 10). In addition to Morgan Hill companies creating patents, Morgan Hill residents are also innovators. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office statistics, over the last five years there have been 335 patents issued annually to residents of Morgan Hill. In addition, several entrepreneurs and innovators participate in Meet-up groups and funding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and AngelList to support start-up activity.

Figure 10: Educational Attainment for Population 25 Years and Over

Morgan Hill

Santa Clara County








Less than High School

High School Graduate (Includes Equivalency)

Some college Bachelor's degree and above

Source: American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, 2011-2015.


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