Construction World January 2020


T he Mosaic Group, a housing developer responsible for UHGHYHORSLQJ VHYHUDO LQQHU FLW\ EXLOGLQJV LQ GRZQWRZQ 'XUEDQ is bringing its insight, expertise and technical wizardry to Cape Town, UHOHDVLQJ WKH ͤUVW RI OX[XU\ DSDUWPHQWV LQ 7KH 'XNH VLWXDWHG RQ the corner of Hans Strijdom Avenue and Lower Heerengracht in &DSH 7RZQ 7KH KRWHO OLYLQJ VW\OH DSDUWPHQWV RIIHU VWXQQLQJ LQWHULRUV D URRIWRS GHFN DQG SRRO DQG EUHDWKWDNLQJ YLHZV RI EXVWOLQJ WUHH OLQHG city avenues against the backdrop of Table Mountain. The pricing, from R1 290 000, and with no transfer duties, is well below the average of new developments in the CBD. “At about 5 SHU P 2 , and with our prime location, this is an offer you wouldn’t want to miss,” says Chris Marsay, Marketing Manager for Mosaic Group. The Duke on Fountain Circle is in walking distance of Cape Town’s top restaurants, bars, malls and tourism hot spots, the Cape Town International Convention Centre, the MyCiti central bus terminus, &DSH 7RZQ WUDLQ VWDWLRQ DQG WKH UHJLRQDO KHDG RͦFHV RI 9RGDFRP Standard Bank, Caltex, SARS and Investec. This prime location offers LQYHVWRUV DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WDNH DGYDQWDJH RI D YLEUDQW EX\ WR OHW Airbnb market taking off in the lower part of the city. It also gives ͤUVW WLPH EX\HUV D FUXFLDO VWHS LQWR WKH QRWRULRXVO\ H[SHQVLYH &LW\ %RZO UHDO HVWDWH PDUNHW 7KH 'XNH RIIHUV D EHDXWLIXO KRWHO VW\OH OREE\ ZLWK D FRQFLHUJH VHUYLFH DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ WKURXJKRXW D FDOLVWKHQLFV J\P KLJK VSHHG ͤEUH KRXU VHFXULW\ DQG DPSOH VWRUDJH URRP VSDFH

1LQH DSDUWPHQW FRQͤJXUDWLRQV DUH DYDLODEOH ZLWK YLHZV RI HLWKHU Lower Heerengracht or Hans Strijdom Avenue, or both. Buyers have WKH RSWLRQ RI EX\LQJ DQ ̴LQWHULRU SDFN̵ DV DQ DGG RQ WR WKH SXUFKDVH price, or an unfurnished apartment. The building was redesigned by architect Lisa Rorich, famous for her work on exquisite luxury lodges like Singita in Tanzania, and others in Botswana and the Seychelles. The interiors were created E\ 5DHZ\Q +D\KRH NQRZQ IRU KHU JUHHQ EXLOGLQJ VSHFLDOLVDWLRQ DQG OX[XULRXV HFR IULHQGO\ UHVLGHQWLDO OLIHVW\OH HVWDWHV ̸/LVD̵V H[SHULHQFH in designing glamorous luxury lodges, coupled with Raewyn’s FRQVLGHUHG DSSURDFK WR JUHHQ LQVSLUHG UHVLGHQWLDO GHVLJQ KDV UHVXOWHG LQ D WUDQTXLO XUEDQ RDVLV ZLWK D VXSHU FRQWHPSRUDU\ KRWHO living feel,” says Marsay. The interiors feature a muted palette of charcoal, moody greens DQG EURQ]H 3ROLVKHG FRQFUHWH ͥRRUV &DODFDWWD PDUEOH YDQLW\ WRSV and granite countertops, honed black subway tiling, and Bordeaux Oak veneers are cleverly blended with beautiful signature features like Victoria and Albert basins, amber glass pendant cluster lights, 3DULVLDQ ULEEHG ͥRRU WR FHLOLQJ JODVV VFUHHQV DQG 0HLU WLJHU EURQ]H taps. The stunning views can be enjoyed from novel windowbox cushioned seats. Alongside Mosaic Group, Lisa Rorich Architects and Evolution Architects, other members of the development team include DDK Design, Spoormaker and Partners (mechanical and electrical engineers), STBB (conveyancers), and Hulme and Associations (structural and civil engineers). ƒ



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