Construction World January 2020


Left: 7KH ͧUVW IORRU VODE UHLQIRUFLQJ SURJUHVV RQ WKH KRWHO Right: View of Building 4 (Radisson Red Hotel), ARUP and Building 3 from the new road.

T KLV SKDVH FRPSULVHV ͤYH EXLOGLQJV IRXU PL[HG XVH SUHPLXP RͦFH DQG UHWDLO EXLOGLQJV DQG D ͤIWK EXLOGLQJ ZKLFK ZLOO KRXVH D KRWHO GHVLJQHG WR VWDU VWDQGDUGV ZLWK VSHFLDO HPSKDVLV RQ DUW DQG business. Construction work of 6 Parks Boulevard (also known as the Arup Building) started in February 2019. Work on this structure is progressing according to schedule, in line with the handover end January 2020. ,QLWLDOO\ GHVLJQHG DV D WKUHH VWRUH\ VWUXFWXUH ZLWK WKH JURXQG ͥRRU EHLQJ GHGLFDWHG WR UHWDLO VSDFH WKHVH SODQV ZHUH PRGLͤHG WR WKH requirements of the tenants, Arup and Sony. This resulted in another slab being added to accommodate a private entertainment area, as well as recording studios on the fourth level. The structure on this rooftop level mimics the design shape of the building, but with a smaller footprint, thus occupying only about 50% of the available rooftop space. A double lift shaft arrangement was LQFRUSRUDWHG LQWR WKH PRGLͤHG GHVLJQ WR HQVXUH WKDW WKLV OHYHO ZLOO only be accessible to authorised visitors. A portion of the site is located directly above the Gautrain tunnel, necessitating 20% of the foundation for the basement to be a raft foundation as the bottom of the excavation was situated just above the Zone of Exclusion. The rest of the foundation was constructed with traditional piles and pile caps. Concrete used in the construction of the basement OHYHOV ZDV D VWDQGDUG 03D ZKLOH 03D FRQFUHWH ZDV VSHFLͤHG IRU WKH ͥRRU VODEV The visual impact of this building will be in the architectural façade where a special pattern was printed on the glass panels. This DSSOLFDWLRQ ZLOO FUHDWH D IRUHVW OLNH JUDSKLF UHLQIRUFLQJ WKH XUEDQ green theme of Oxford Parks. This paint technique will add aesthetic LQWHUHVW EXW DOVR \LHOG WKHUPDO DQG DQWL JODUH SURSHUWLHV WR DGGUHVV the green star requirements of the building. Concor Buildings’ contract for this structure includes construction DV ZHOO DV WKH WRWDO ͤWWLQJ RXW RI DOO VHUYLFHV 'HVSLWH VRPH unforeseeable delays during the construction of the basement, WKH VFKHGXOH ZDV EDFN RQ WUDFN E\ WKH WLPH WKH ͤUVW ͥRRU VODE ZDV FDVW DQG WKH WHDP LV FRQͤGHQW WKDW WKH EXLOGLQJ ZLOO EH UHDG\ IRU occupation by the tenants in February 2020. 7KH EXLOGLQJ RQ 3DUNV %RXOHYDUG RU %XLOGLQJ DV LW LV NQRZQ RQ site, has recently been added to Concor’s portfolio in this precinct DQG LV FXUUHQWO\ EHLQJ FRQVWUXFWHG DV D ͤYH VWRUH\ PL[HG XVH RͦFH DQG UHWDLO IDFLOLW\ &RQVWUXFWLRQ LV SURJUHVVLQJ ZHOO DQG WKH ͤUVW ͥRRU slab is currently being cast.

The ground level of this building extends onto a cantilevered slab which forms the new Parks Boulevard, providing access to service DQG GHOLYHU\ YHKLFOHV %RWK WKH $UXS EXLOGLQJ DQG %XLOGLQJ IDFH RQWR Parks Boulevard, which is currently presenting the contractor with an added challenge which requires meticulous planning of sequences for access of the various construction vehicles on this newly constructed cantilevered road. 7KH VFRSH IRU %XLOGLQJ LV WR GHOLYHU WKH VKHOO VWUXFWXUH DV IXWXUH WHQDQWV ZLOO EH LQYROYHG LQ WKH ͤW RXW RI WKH EXLOGLQJ 7KH VFKHGXOHG completion date is June 2020. 7KH EXLOGLQJ RQ WKH QRUWK HDVWHUQ FRUQHU RI WKH SUHFLQFW LV DOVR FXUUHQWO\ XQGHU FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG ZLOO EH WKH QHZ KHDG RͦFH RI /LIH +HDOWKFDUH (LJKW\ SHU FHQW RI WKH ͤUVW ͥRRU VODE RI WKH ͤYH VWRUH\ EXLOGLQJ KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ ͤQLVKHG RQ VFKHGXOH IRU FRPSOHWLRQ E\ October 2020. A common design protocol governs all these buildings, EXW WKLV EXLOGLQJ ZLOO LQFRUSRUDWH DQ DXGLWRULXP DV VSHFLͤHG E\ WKH WHQDQW 7KH ͤIWK EXLOGLQJ D 5DGLVVRQ 5HG KRWHO KDV EHHQ GHVLJQHG DV D VHYHQ VWRUH\ IDFLOLW\ WR 6WDU VWDQGDUGV DQG ZLOO KDYH JXHVW rooms. A gym and a swimming pool will occupy the roof terrace. 7KH ͤUVW WZR OHYHOV ZLOO EH FRQVWUXFWHG XVLQJ FRQYHQWLRQDO VODEV ZLWK SRVW WHQVLRQHG FRQFUHWH EHLQJ XVHG IURP WKH WKLUG ͥRRU XS 7KH KRWHO will be ready to accept guests at the beginning of 2021. Oxford Parks Phase 1 is a testimony to meticulous coordination to ensure that the concurrent construction of the different buildings run smoothly. Three tower cranes are on site which necessitated D VSHFLDO UHVRXUFH OLQNHG FUDQH VWXG\ WR RSWLPLVH UHQWDO WLPH 7KH large workforce which is required for the simultaneous construction of the various structures of Phase 1 means that there can be no compromise on safety. Daily planning and safety meetings are held, with weekly review meetings taking place to ensure that progress UHPDLQV RQ VFKHGXOH According to Martin Muller, the Concor Buildings contracts manager, being awarded Phase 1 of the Oxford Parks development is a direct result of Concor Buildings’ achievement during the construction of the BP Building, 199 Oxford Road, ahead of time and within budget. 0XOOHU DGGV ̸7KLV SURMHFW LV VLJQLͤFDQW IRU &RQFRU %XLOGLQJV particularly in the current suppressed trading conditions in the South African construction industry. Being appointed contractor on this prestigious and complex project is testimony to the company’s experience and expertise, coupled with a good relationship with the developer, Intaprop.” ƒ



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