Construction World January 2020


province,” Laycock explains. At the forefront of the a.b.e. products used for the bridge repair projects is the company’s durarep GT MCI, a sprayable version of the FRPSDQ\̵V SRO\PHU PRGLͤHG FHPHQWLWLRXV repair mortar, of which 7 800 units of 25 kg ZLOO EH XVHG IRU WKH UHSDLU RI WKH ͤUVW two bridges. Containing a migrating corrosion inhibitor (MCI), this durarep formulation is based on blended cements, graded siliceous aggregate, propriety chemical DGGLWLYHV ͤOOHUV DQG DQWL GHVLFFDQWV The migrating corrosion inhibiting qualities offer extended life expectancy RI FRQFUHWH LQ DJJUHVVLYH UXVW SURPRWLQJ locations such as the Transnet bridges which are over lagoons virtually on the Indian Ocean. “durarep GT MCI has generally made an extremely favourable impression with 7UDQVQHW 50( DV LWV IDVW WUDFN VSUD\LQJ properties are superior to any alternative

D arryl Laycock, Technical Sales Consultant for a.b.e. in KZN, says VHYHUDO RI WKH FRPSDQ\̵V FRQFUHWH UHSDLU SURGXFWV ZHUH VSHFLͤHG by the Transnet Rehabilitation, Maintenance and Engineering (RME) division for its repair of the Inshambili and Ifafa bridges over river mouths on the KZN South Coast. ̸7KHVH DUH WKH ͤUVW EULGJHV WR EH WDFNOHG LQ D PDVVLYH RQJRLQJ EULGJH UHSDLU SURMHFW E\ 7UDQVQHW WKDW LV SDUW RI D VHYHQ \HDU SURMHFW implement in KZN. The timing of the repair work is determined by the severity of concrete spalling but Transnet has already LGHQWLͤHG YDULRXV EULGJHV LQ QHHG RI UHSDLU IRU LQ WKH

UHSDLU PRUWDU RQ WKH 6RXWK $IULFDQ PDUNHW DQG ZH DUH FRQͤGHQW WKDW it with the other a.b.e. products used for the initial two bridges will DJDLQ EH VSHFLͤHG IRU WKH UHVW RI WKH 7UDQVQHW UHSDLU SURJUDPPH 7HQGHUV ZLOO SURYLGH WKH ͤQDO FRQWUDFW FRQWHQW EXW WKH EDVLF VSHFLͤFDWLRQ LV QRZ LQ SODFH ZLWK 7UDQVQHW DQG KDV EHFRPH WKH standard bridge repair product package for Transnet Freight Rail,” Laycock states. The other a.b.e. products used for the South Coast bridges’ refurbishment are: • durabond GP – an acrylic emulsion used as primer/bonding PHGLXP IRU FRQFUHWH UHSDLUV • durarep ZR primer – a liquid epoxy resin with metallic zinc that SURYLGHV H[FHOOHQW FRUURVLRQ SURWHFWLRQ • HSLGHUPL[ ̰ D ̸VORZ VHW̹ VROYHQW IUHH HSR[\ UHVLQ ERQGLQJ DJHQW WR ERQG QHZ FRQFUHWH WR ROG FRQFUHWH DQG • GXUDFRWH :% ̰ D KLJK SHUIRUPDQFH SRO\PHU FRDWLQJ ZLWK VWURQJ FUDFN EULGJLQJ SURSHUWLHV XVHG LQ WKH ͤUVW WZR EULGJH UHSDLUV both as primer and grey coating. Laycock and his colleagues at a.b.e. have established a strong relationship with Transnet RME and Transnet Freight Rail and provide LQ GHSWK DGYLFH RQ SURGXFW VSHFLͤFDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV WUDLQLQJ ̸D E H ZLOO EH DEOH WR RIIHU WKH VDPH RQ VLWH VHUYLFH LUUHVSHFWLYH RI ORFDWLRQ RU FRPSDQ\ FDUU\LQJ RXW WKH YDULRXV FRQWUDFWV RU WKH D E H SURGXFWV selected, for that matter.” a.b.e. Construction Chemicals in 2017 also provided concrete repair products for the critical repair of support columns of a coal tippler at Richards Bay harbour: durarep Fluid Micro Concrete (FMC) was the main remedial product used on this occasion with Darryl Laycock also handling the a.b.e. input to Transnet. “a.b.e. has been supplying concrete repair products for routine tippler shutdowns over the past three years,” Laycock states. ƒ



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