Alcala Yearbook 1997

As l he la.r8esl fre hrnen cl ass ever enrolled al U6D, lhe class of 2000 knows whal il feel like l o be in lhe spolii8hl. The ir ftr l year of colle8e included many si8niftcanl evenls: many 8ol lo vole for lhe ftrsl lime; U6D hosled lhe Pre idenlial Debale; M6NBC did a day-lon8 se8menl wilh freshmen on debale day; and lhe ir cl ass will see lhe complelion o f lhe new parkin8 lruclure and Jenny mi8 Pavi lion. Bul whal d id lhey have lo say aboul lheir ftr l year9 "l lhi nk lhal fre hman year i bo lh lhe besl and lhe wor l (year), lhe besl because you 8el lo meel o many new people, and lhe worsl because you donl know whal lo expecl," co!D.illenled T.J. Bellafiore. Marlha Medina i happy she chose U6D. "lf l had lo 80 lhrou8h Lhe whole colle8e (cho ice) proce , 3


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