Alcala Yearbook 1997

This year, the Alcala is pullin8 U6D5 facully and admi ni,~Lrnlion oul from behind Lhe scenes and pullin8 Lhem in the -1;potli5hl Our new Vice President and Provost. D1'. rrsnk Lszarus, is Lhrilled Lo be here and of aid Lo U6D. lie l1rsL Lurned hi-1; aLLenUon Lo U6D when l1e heard or 6r. 6ally fury~ planned 1'eLi1'ernenL. Iie visiled Lhe campus and liked what he ;\:\8W. Ea8er lo join the U6D communily, he applied when the opportunity presented i~<,e[f "I like il even more now Limn when l fir'St 1;aw t.he campus. Good Bludents, excellenl facully, and 8real faci lilies make me happy lo be here. Its a wonderful job... said Dr'. frank Lazarus. U60.B faculty wor'ks hard Lo ensure that -3Ludenls are clmllen8ed by the educsliom1l opportunilies pl'esenled lo them. Ninety ocven pe1'cent of the facully hsve a lerminal de8ree in Lheir chosen field They -1;pend many hours each week preparin8 clas..\-, material and makin 6 lhemsdves availab le lo sludenls Lhrou 0 h oCTtce hours. The University i\dminislmlion strives lo maintain an ocsdemic communily collllll.iLLed lo Lhe hishesl slandar'ci.~ of education, outlin d by lhe Unive1'-.1;itys Mi&')ion and Coa ls. i\lwoy$ keepin8 the sludenli be\)t inter,~c,Ls in mind, the 8dminislmlion cor1sla11Uy W<-..)rkĀ½ to bel.ler eve1)' aspect of Lhe University. "[The admin..isl1'alio11] co11d11cls academic pro 6 ram~ f 01 lhe Univer1;ily. Pro,el'...wrs. ch~~I'., colle8es. and un.iver~ilie~ mu.~l. function [ cooperslively ]. We'l'e doin8 lhc1l and a whole loL more ... ~aid Dr. Frank Lazan.1s. Bv c,,eLchen &hneider /

"ln my four years al U6D, I have always been impressed by lhe individualized allenlion lhal lhe Jacully 8ives lo sludenls," commenled senior Tina 1\smar.

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