Alcala Yearbook 1997


8ludenL Affairs i a deparlmenL Lhal is soley here l o serve U8D sLudenls' needs. Their o ffice include Alcohol and Drug Educa Lion, which provide a source o f supporl for sludents ufferin8 fromabuse relaled problems. o ffice sponsor 3eve ral programs and evenls Lhrou8houL lhe year a well a ome on-campus organizaLions, uch as Campu Conneclions. Last year, lhe Office o f Drug and Alcoho l Educa lion brou8h Lhe alional i\ID8 Memorial Qgill onlo campus for i\ID8 Awa ren Week. There i an Alumni Qelalions O ffice Lo preserve lhe uni ty of a cla pasl gradualion. They are respon ible for Alumni New le lle r and lhe i\lumni TailgaLe for Homecomin8. They al o coordinale l he Class & holarships. Corn.munily & rvice-Learnin8 provides ludenls wilh Lhe opporlunily Lo give back lo Lhe corn.munily while earning college crediL for iL. They also assist sludents who jusL wanl lo be adive in corn.munily service on Lheir own. They plan numerou evenls Lh.roughoul Lhe year along wilh many continuous proj ects, which allow l udents lo be more invovled in Lhe communily. 8 Ludenl L\ffo irs also, pon or ' Qe idence Life. The Residence Li fe sla ff works hard l o 8el campus re idenls more inLeraclively involved in Lhe Unive r iLy. Qesidenl Di redors and i\ssislants plan evenls and eclivilies Lhrou3houL Lhe yea r Lo a~iBl their re?iidenls and an wer queslion . The o ffice work hard Lo creale a corn.munily for l ho e living on ca rnpu . 8ludenl i\ffairs affects almosl every a peel o f Universily life. ILaddresses a wide variely of ludenl i , ues and impacts every sludenLal U8D. from lhe ftr Lday o f Orienlalion Week un l il lon3 afle r 3radualion, lhe O ffice o f 8 Ludenl Affairs i hard al work lo make lhe mosl ouL o f each sludenls ยท'colle3e experience." By C relchen & hneide r

T u D E ,


A F F A I R s

"The kidc?i make il worlh il, lhey're so much fun lo be wilh, and il makes a difference." 6arah Evenskaas, &nior

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