Alcala Yearbook 1997

One hundred nineteen OrientaUon Team members and forty-Lwo Qesident Assistants introduced the incomifl8 freshmen and transfer students to the world of the Cniversity of &n Die30 durin.3 OrienlaUon Week '%. from helping new students move in to orcheslralin8 a variety of wild acliviUes. Lhe O-Team quickly acquainted them with U6Ds friendly atmosphere. and prepared Lhe newcomers for life al our incredible campus. Nol only did members of O-Team have the chance lo harvest a plethora of memories and friendships within the team, bul U1ey alro had Lhe opportunity Lo befriend new students and have an impacl on Lheir first impression of our U6D community. It wa.l\nl all fun and 3ames, U1ou8h, for Lhe small number of available posilions. Campus involvement and charisma only .3ot applicants in the door. Once selected, 0 Team members are responsible for allendin3 several workshops. and a two day 6pring Retreat for the purpose of getlin8 to know each olher better and clividifl8 responsibililies amon3 U1emselves. The O Team arrives at U6D over a week before new students are expecled, for additional trainin3 and preparaUon for Lhe ensuifl8 week. freshman Orienlalion isn't solely lhe responsibility of O-Board and O Team. Instead. it's a collaboration on Lhe prut of many U6D departments incluclin3 6tudenl Affairs. Public tales. The Academic Departments are also important in the organization of Lhe preceptorial pro3ram. It is no wonder Urnt the Universily of &n Die3os Orientation Program is reco3nized nationally as one of Lhe besl of it's kind. By Lisa Christine Qundquisl Orientation Team. Over three hundred students applied and were interviewed for Lhe seemin.3ly

Pictured Above: Judy McDonald take a break from the strains of O-Week with a dip in the fountain .


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