Alcala Yearbook 1997


The Office of Comunily & rvice-Learnin8 provides collaboralive approaches usin8 sludents, faculty, adminisl ralion and communily partners lhrou8h projects addressin8 real communily needs such as Band!JD&, Urban Plun8e, and Tijuana Orphan88e Oulreach. They provide supporl for four U&D Commillees, each of which uses a learn approach. There is sludenl direcled Communily &rvice-Associaled &tudents, Pro Bono-Experienlial Educalion Commillee, and oocial Issues Commillee. Office of Communily & rvice-Learnin8 &l aff provides adminislralive supporl for lhe four commillees, 8ranl proposal deve lopmenl and rnana8ernenl, sludenl leader seminars, facully supporl, Communily Partner developrnenl, record keepin8, public relalions, and special proj ects such as the Inau8ural Communily & rvice Day. P rofessional sl afT membe rs serve on ca rnpu and comrnunily commillees.


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