Alcala Yearbook 1997

I have always had a passion for helpin8 people. I came lo U6D wilh experience beif18 a volunleer in several cornrnuniLy or8anizalions for many years. Bul I am 8raleful Lhal U6D has 8iven me Lhe opporLunily Lo Lake my skills and use lhern lo beLLer Lhe &n Die8o cornmunily. I have been able lo acquire leadership roles, improve my abililies. rnolivaLe my peers and undersland bolh Lhe challen8es people have faced in lheir lives and Lhe slref18Lh lhey have Lo ovecorne Lhern. I have been a coordinalor for lhe Linda Visla Kids Projecl, parlicipaled in alrnosL every pro8rarn U6D Comrnunily & rvice has offered and have also had l he pleasure of bein8 lhe Panhellenic CornrnuniLy &rvice Chair. 1 I have succeeded in rnakif18 a posilive difference in someones lire U1en all lhe elTorL I puL inLo Lhe cornrnunily is worlh il. To me, lhis is whal cornrnuniLy service is aboul.


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