Alcala Yearbook 1997

fir Lgiven Lhe opporlunily lo

I remember when l wa

become a part of community service al U8D, during my sophomore year. I was a van driver and gol lo see a lol of Lhe projects in Linda Visla, shullling people from campus oul inlo lhe cornmunily. When I cou ld, l also lulored al lhe Linda Visla Library and played wilh lhe sludenls al Mont.gomery Jurlior ttigh. My junior year, I decided lo lake a chance and become a projecl coorclinalor for Mont.gomery Jurlior liigh. While lhere, I formed an school baskelball program for lhe kids. This has Lo be one of lhe rnosl memorable limes in communily service for me. I will never forgel Lhe incredible group of kids I mel and became friend wilh. The fun and memories we hared will be wilh me forever. ow, a co-cLreclor of A.8. Communily &rvice I gel lo help olher creale and share wonderful momenls. My love for he lping people and giving back lo Lhe communily i whal keeps Lhe desire lo serve lhe community alive in me. by Gerald Acuna 165

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