Alcala Yearbook 1997

RESIDENOE LIFE Wilh a staff of over forty people and four unique campus livif18 areas, Qesidence Life is a very diverse part of the U&D community. The Qesidence Life taff works hard lo provide an enjoyable living environment for U&D students. Throu3houl lhe year, the Qesidenl Assistants and Qe ident Directors join to3elher to offer a variety of pro3rams for residents. &ome of last years pro3rams include a costumed ttalloween Party, seminars on study skill , health issue speakers, yo3a and olher stress relief activities, and an 80's roller skalin3 party. In the words of &an Balkan, a fre hman valley resident "&omeones alway 3ot someth in3 lo do." Livin3 on campus creates a remarkable unity between sludenl and University. by Michelle orlhrop


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