Alcala Yearbook 1997

A s s 0 C I

"Enthusiasm is like a ripple in Lhe water... it spreads.·· Members of Lhe i\~-,ociated 8tudenls. U8Ds student 8overnin8 body. spent this year usin8 their enlhu iasrn Lo promote acUvilies LhaL enhanced pride and spiriL on our campus. Not only did /\.8. c1'eate educaLional and enlertc1inin5 pro5mms. but we also aLLempLed Lo reach out and wor'k with other campus bodies. A.8. Learned wilh many other student or 6 anizaUons. as well as faculty and administration. Lo ~hine Lhe spoUi8hl on many d' OLII' University coillillunily Ls.lenls. which make U8D srec1L We inLeracled direcUy with professors: we were exp~'i.ed Lo sludent creativity Lhrou8h art. liLemLure. snd mtt~ic; we expanded our cuJLurnl awareness and sen~iUviLy; we Look part in servin8 our 5realer community; we cheered our alhlelic efforls and achievement¥>: and we lobbied Lhe administration in order' to 1;lrive for Lhe overall betterment of st tidenl life. The U8D experience is Lruly a unique one. Our hope is LhaL Lhrou8h Lhese connections. enlhusiasm will conlinue Lo sp,·ead about Olli' Un.iversiLy, atlesLit\'3 Lo Lhe nolion Llrnt we are ... "One in &pirit'' 5y Cre5 John1so11

A T E D s T u D E N T s

"I think that A.8. 8oes out of it6 way to involve ~, · ";, the whole student body. Their enthusiasm - ~ •, ., '. \ draws people in, it makes you want to be / involved." Kelly Woywod.

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