Alcala Yearbook 1997


CQECOQY P . JO r-I N&O When you wa lk into Cre8 Johnson' o ffice. you immedialely nolice a few thifi8S lhat make you feel ri8ht al home: the welcomin8 couch. lhe picture of the John Deere tractor (a reference lo life in Iowa). lhe posler of Lhe &in Die8o skyline at dusk. BuL lhe most welcomin8 aspect o f Cre8s o ffice is Lhe man himself. Cre8, despile a schedule that would rival that of lhe President of lhe United 6Lales. always 8reets visilors, friend and str~ers alike. with a hu8e 8rin and a hearty he llo. C re8ory Paul Johnson ha Laken Lhe posilion o f president "to new hei8hts." as his campaie,n posters once proclaimed. Under his direclion. the Associated 6 tudenls has become a more cohesive and spirited 8roup. There has been an upsur8ence of school pride and spirit due Lo his vision of lhe school and sludenl body becomin8 "one in lhe spiril" J•Jis spirit and sense of leamwork has touched lhe lives of many at U1e University o f 6an Die8o. A few years back. he wa · a member o f U1e football Learn. scorifi8 touchdowns instead of voles as he does now el Lhe 6 ludenl & nate. He Lhen became a member o f Lhe Residence Life learn as a Residenl Assistant in Lhe Valley and Maher. His skill in inte rpersonal relalions. cullivaled bolh on Lhe 8rid-iron and in lhe dorms, has ince carried over inlo lhe Associated 6ludent 8overnmenl WheU1er il is represenlin8 lhe sludenls in a meelifi8 wilh President Hayes or k.ick.ifi8 back and Lalkifi8 in his o ffice, Cre8 Lruly exemplifies lhe spiril of U6D. d By /\man a Jo Beck VI CE PQE&IDE T A. &. QELATI ON& /\MAND/\ JO BECK i\manda Jo Beck, Vice Presidenl o f A.6. Relalions, is responsible for maintainin8 lhe ove rall well beifi8 of lhe Associaled 6tudenls. Her j ob requires her lo be lhe bindin8 force Lhal holds lhe whole or8anization to8elher. Whelher she is mainlainin8 posilive internal relations. plannifi8 lhe weekend retreals and monlhly meelifi8S, allendin8 Publicalions Board meetifi8S, or payifi8 lhe A.6. phone bill. Amanda always puls forU1 a 8real e fTorL But she has nol limiled her dulies lo l he specific responsibililies o f he r job description, and thal is what makes Amanda a truly fanla tic represenlalive o f U1e U6D student body. Amanda has established an inlernet connection wilh other unive rsilies lhrou8hout lhe nation so we may obtain input and ideas about their pro8rams and handlifi8 of student issues. Also, she played an inle8ral part in lhe sludent representation for lhe 1996 Presidenlial Debate. 6he was lhe only studenl to serve on lhe Presidenlial Committee l hal created and implemented all of lhe campus activilies surroundifi8 lhe debale. Amandas olher involvements include Campus Conneclions. Lhe Alcala Club. and a summer 1996 inlernship in Washin8ton D.C. for lhe · co08ressional O!!_arlerly." 6he's a busy lady, but all of her hard work is sure lo pay o ff Amanda Jo Beck i a name Umt you will de finitely hear in lhe future. By Kim f arris VICE PQE&IDE T &TUDENT I&&UE& KIMBEQLY A. r /\QQI & When she isn't Sifi8ifi8 for U1e Choral & holars. studyifi8 for one of her honors classes. or hafi8ifi8 out wilh a certain Maher RA. lhe asloundifi8 Kimberly Farris is takifi8 care of lhe 8ripes and concerns of U6D students. As Lhis years elected Vice Presidenl of 6ludent Issues. Kim has done an amazifi8 job! 6he has sel up a 6Ludenl Cripe Boolh where students can 80 to voice any concerns. Addilionally. Kim acts as lhe chair or lhe weekly 6tudent Issues Board meetifi8. which has been ex.lremely quick lo act in lryifi8 lo lake care of Lhe students' comments. One can always find Kim in her office or runnifi8 around campus, and no matter what she is doifi8. shes always waitin8 with open ears Lo hear any concerns lhe students al U6D have. If you ever see the beauliful Kim, make sure lo 8ive her a bi8 pal on lhe back! 6hes done an amazin8 j ob! By Gianna Ravenscro ft. the olher beauliful VP


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