Alcala Yearbook 1997
8tIOWCA8E David Denes
The &howcase Direclor is in char8e of comedy show and variou entertainment acts. oome of the comedians that have 8raced our campus with lau8hter include fellow Toreros Judy McDonald and Brendon ford. Bill Gloub brou8ht his talent durin8 i\lcohol Awareness Week. and l he hi lariou Wendy Leibman made us lau8h in December. Dave is from Hemet. California and attended community colle8e for two years before tran fe rrin8 to U&D. After bein8 involved wilh i\.6.B. at the community colle8e leve l, Dave was overwhe lmed by how active and involved U&D ' Associated &tudents are and is proud to be a part of il. &pecia l thanks to the &howcase Committee for all of their lon8 hours of hard work!
8PEAKEQ8 BUQEAU David Anglikowski
0peakers Bureaus main objeclive is to brin8 informative and enlerlainin8 speakers Lo lhe studenl body. ol only does lhe 0peakers Bureau brin8 in people on its own to speak. but because iL is a 8eneral directorship il he lps many of the olher pro8raffiffiers in A.0. wilh lhe ir respective speaker . Thi year's speakers ran8ed from entertainment uch a Qudy from lhe movie Qudy, Lo informalional lalks on lhe Presidential Debate. The 0peakers Bureau was a success lhis year due to the wide ran8e of speakers lhal came lo U0D.
CONCEQT8 Leah King
We are responsible for brin8if18 music on campus. Our j ob is lo book a variely of bands for "nooners" and olher campus or8anizalion pro8rams for sludenls lo listen, enjoy. and perhaps lo broaden lheir horizons. Our 8oa1 is lo have Fun and help make lhe campus a more diverse and enjoyable place lo be. ~ We hope you've enjoyed our e fforts!
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