Alcala Yearbook 1997

ACADEMIC IooUEo Gina Brennan

The Academic I ues Di reclor a i ts lhe V.P. of /\cademie.3 by occurin8 opinions and concerns of Lhe sludenl body re8ard in8 academic issues and mallers. 8he' a member of 8 ludenl Issues Board and Academic Board. 8he a ists in evalualin8 Qeocarch Grants, and coordinates midle rm evaluation . ll' also he r responsibilily l o promole academic inle8rily on a campu wide ba i . f inally, he aids Academic Pro8rammin8, as well.


Academic Pro8rammin8 i one of lhe more unique posilions in /\.8. becau I amable lo pro8ramany evenl l hal promo le learnin8 out.side lhe classroom. One uch pro8ramwa "Where lhe Wild Thin8s /\re," preocnled by educal ors from lhe 8an Die8o Zoo, comple te wilh "Culie" lhe 380uli, an echidna, and a ocven-fool boa. In shorl, my j ob is l o b ri8hlen your l im al U8D wilh lhi brillianl spectrum we ca ll life.

WOMEN 'o CENTEQ Katie Barkley

The U8D Women' Cenler wi hes lo creal e a sa fe place where women and men can djscuss 8ende r re lal ed issue . ur 8oal i l o reach women and men in order l o increaoc awarene on lhe U8D campus aboul i ues such a : dale rape, ealin8 disorders, women' hi l ory, empowerment 8ende r communicalion, feminism, women' heallh and lhe 8ender ludies pro8ram.

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