Alcala Yearbook 1997


IL has been my 8reaL honor Lo serve U1e sLud nls of U8D anoLhe r year, Lhi Lime a A ociaLed 8Lud nls Direclor o f Compulin8. In Lhi capaciLy l have been char8 d wiLh providin8 crealive and I ., · Ledrnical d ireclion for Lhe A.8. World Wide Web pa8es and more imporLa nL than LhaL, I have been responstble for re0eclin8 Lhe LudenL view and represenlin8 Lhe ir need and wanls in maLLer of compulin8 al U8D. 1-tope fully, l have conLribuLed in makin8 U8D a beLLe r place for Lh slud nls l' ve served.

ELECTION8 Alexandra Morrall

l 1 he A i r pon ible for plannin8 all A.8. e lections in a school year nd coordinalin8 Lhe Election CommiLL e. There are Lhree formal elecLion in a year. ln Lhe Fa ll, Lhe re are Lhe Fre hman &nalor and tlomecomin8 e lection . 1he lar8esL eleclion is in Lhe sprin8, which i Lhe A.8. 8eneral e l clion. ln Lhis e leclion, all A.8. executive o fficer and cla senator · are selecled. Lher election are occa iona lly held in order Lo chan8e Lhe A.8. By-law when nee ary. There i also a commiLLee of abouL Len membe rs LhaL he lp Lhe d ireclor run Lhe aclual e leclion . cialed 8Ludenls Direclor o f Eleclion

PAQKING 8cott Qaub

The A.8. Direclor of Parkin8 is Lhe sLude nL representative who work wilh Parkin8 &rvices and Public 8afeLy. I am a liai on for all o f Lhe Ludenls and Lhe ir issues re8ardi n8 parkin8. I ·iL on 8Lude nL I ue Board, Lhe University Traffic Courl, and Lhe University Parkin8 ourL. The Trame ourL read and reviews all ciLaLion appea l re8ardin8 Lhe Ludenls. Thi year, Lhere are ven jud8 : Kalie &hernelze, Jeremy Boyar, Be lh fi hman, Jason Mendon a, Dave Karaki , Ve ronica Milack, Tracy Toml in on. My e lf and Lhe Traffic ourL work Lo rv Lh b L inLe resLof ju 'Lice for all Lh Ludenls re8ard in8 parkin8 al U8D. ! =S::===~ CommiLLee. I am al o Lhe Chief Ju Lice o f Lhe A.8. Trame


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