Alcala Yearbook 1997

8POQT8 CLUB COUNCIL 8 hawn li e rrnes

I am r pon ible for l he allocation o f funds for U1e club sports pro8rsm . l also represent ilie sports clubs al &ludenl & nale and Pro8ram Board. This year, a new &ports lub Bud8el Offiffii l lee wa sel up lo determine the semester bud8ets. This responsibility used l o re l solely in l he Director o f 8port.s Clubs. ll i now delernti ned by lhe 8.C.C. Bud8el Coffintillee. Thal commi ttee con i ts of myself, lhe &cretary of 8ludenl O r8anizations, l he L\ssisl anl Director of 8ludenl L\ctivitie and a representative o f i\ssocialed 8 ludenl Bud8el coffintillee who is selected by Lhe VP. of finance. L\s director, l al o meet with lhe presidents of each club if necessary, and keep in contact with themand lheir advi or ilirou8houl each semester.

8ECQETAQY Of ATliLETIC8 Ke vi n Qodge rs

As lhe &crelary o f Athletics, l am the o fficial liaison between lhe athletic learns, coaches, players, and lhe A ocialed 8 ludents in re8ard l o aililetic issues. I work very closely with the Aililetic Pro8rammin8 Director. I also attend f\.8. & nal e, 8 ludenl Issue Board, and Board o f Trustee Athle tic Offiffii l lee meel in8 .

ATHLETIC PQOGQAMMING 8he ll ey 8rn i t h

i\lh.le tic Pro8r8ffintin8 works closely with l he Athletic Deparlmenl 8ta ff l o promote sports events as well a lhe unity and piril of the students lhrou8h adverliseffienl, or8anized trips and tail8ales.


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