Alcala Yearbook 1997

YEAQBOOK Chad 8oleo 0 Jessie Merri8an

The Yearbook Director hip is re latively self explanatory. The Editors and the ir commiLLee are responsible for crealin8 Lhe school year' edilion of Lhe Alcala. ur 8oal, Lhis year, wa Lo compile Lhe memories o f the 1996-97 school year into a book which wa hi8hly represenlalional of the entire Ludenl body al U&D. The yearbook Lakes students who are interested in pholo8raphy, crealive wrilin8, 8raphjc arl and desi8n, bu iness and adverli in8, and or8anizalional rnana8emenl and turns Lhem inlo a motivated publication Lea rn with one 8oal in mind...lo 8ive Lhe Ludenl population a Lan8ible repre enlalion of a fabulou year!

A8YLUM Brian Converse 0 Aerie fla88

The A ocialed &Ludents Director of A :Ylum and Assi Lant Director are re pon ible for en ·urin8 Lhal Asy lum is printed as scheduled. The A y lum is a literary ma8azine dedicated Lo U1e hi8he Larli Lie standard . This year, A y lum slarled with a whole new cornmiLLee and director. Many Lhin8s were learned from LriaJ and error, and with U1e hard work of all its rnembers, Asylum once a8ain achieved 8realne . The d irector i al o responsible for afe Asylum, an open mic. pro8ram, and other activities Lhal broaden Lhe scope o f Lhe wriLLen and vi ua l arts within Lhe U&D cam us communil . IiI8TOQIAN Karena Doan

Th Iii Lorian' job i Lo record Lhe history of Lhe A.&. year. L\LLendfo8 as many events as po ible, Lhe j ob requires Lhal one has no fear of a camera. The frrsl bi8 Lask is Lo Lake pictures of all A.&. director and senator for Lhe Executive Board. The resl of Lhe year involves "Pro8rammer of Lhe Month" posters and preparation for Lhe lide how and scrapbook al Lhe end of Lhe year.

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