Alcala Yearbook 1997
Excilem.enl was in Lhe air preparin8 for the debale, and pre-debate
activities provided students wilh 8reat opportunilies and memories. Debate activities starled on October 6, when students 8alhered in the UC Forwns A 0]) Lo watch the first presidenLial debate, from liarlford, Connecticut A faculty panel lo discuss the debate followed. On October 9, students 53ain 8athered in the UC to view the vice– presidential debate, rrom 6L. Petersbur8, Florida. A politically U1emed talent show followed. wilh the Crew Team winnin8 $300 for ilieir skil. On October 10, President Alice tlayes announced the names of studenl lottef)' winners receivifi8 seals in 6hiley. UoD's Choral &holars. Community Choir. Chamber Music Ensemble. ru1d By Elizabeth Himchak Pictured Above: Extensive construction went into preparing Shiley Theatre for the debate. Pictured Left: A few final touches were made just prior to the event. 15
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