Alcala Yearbook 1997

A C A D E M I C s

As wilh any major universily, ecedemices is lhe ftrsl priorily al lhe Universily of & n Diet:P. While "in-class learn.in8" is clearly imporlanl, lhe Universily does nol overlook olher forms of educa tion. Throu8h professional fra ies, sludy abroad and amny olher pro8r8.1Ils, sludenls are 8iven lhe opporlun.ily lo Flex lheir academic muscles outside of lhe classroom. U8D he chapters of seven professional fralernities. fromaccounlin8 lo nursin8 to business, and more, l hese or8anizalions offer under8reduale sludenls e chance lo familiarize lhemselves wilh lheir fields of inleresl and make conlecls lhel will lest lon8 afler 8radualion. The sludy abroad pro8ramprovides sludenls lhe opporlun.ily lo l ruly experience a cli fferenl cull ure. Whether ils & rnesler el &e, e sulil.IDer session in Guadalaj ara, or e sernesler el a universily in Eumpe or Asia, sludenls ere able lo broaden l heir horizons while conlinuin8 lheir education. U8D also provides e culturally diverse education lhrou8h welcomifi8 sludenls fromolher countries inlo l he Un.iversily colil.IDunily. International sludenls al U8D come froma variely of countries ell over l he world. 5y focusin8 education bolh in and out of the classroom, lhe Universily is able lo provide e. broader and deeper undersl e.ndin8. The diversily of Lhe academic pro8mms el U8D ensures lhal sludenls receive e more complele educalion. 5y Brian 8. Converse

'l k lot\sin8 Lo u prolec\'x,'>ionul lr·aLern ily helps you become uwurc 01· Lhe nmny people on C3mpus wil h common 8oals and inleresL;,,: il also help.o'> you lo lea rn mOl'e aboul your parlicular lield or sludy and Lhc vasl number of oplions for occupolions. You also make u loL or· rriends Lo keep for lile ... Kelly Dee Davis. member Della c\3ma Pi

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