Alcala Yearbook 1997

Whethec the sun sits high in the sky and its rays renect in every direclion from the Immaculala's dome, or the sun retires, turnin8 the sky a multitude of 8lorious colors and leaving lhe outline of the Immaculata standing alone over the horizon, the University of 8an Diego remains naturally in the spotlight, sitting atop the hill, looking down upon the waters of Mission Bay. The 1996-1997 academic year has lent itself to an array of opportunities for U8D to cast itself into the spotli8ht. Over this past summer, the Qepublican National Convention, hostedby 0ru1 Diego's Convention Center, brou8ht national attention to our city. The University had several students participate in the event itself, and hosted several QNC related 8roups. "History in the Makin8" says it all in re8ard lo the Presidential Debate held in U&Ds own &hiley Theatre on October 16, 1996. President Bill Clinton and presidential candidate Bob Dole presented and debated their issues in a Town Hall forum, addressing the questions of a panel of citizens seated on stage. After the debate, Bob and Elizabeth Dole, t accompaniedby Gerald ford, addressed the students assembled at the &ports Center. Debate '96 lhrust the University of 0an Diego into the attention of the international media. The University has a compassionate image within the surrounding community as well. 0tudents participate in a variety of service projects throughout the year. including the on8oing Linda Vista Kids Project and the Tijuana flousebuilding Project. fl.n estimated halfof all students participate in community service dul'in8 their years at U8D. 8tudents maintain a hi3h standard academically and spiritually. &hool spir 1 it and enthusiasm are conta8ious on campus, and for a good reason...we have much lo be proud of "U8D has always had a special privale presli3e in Lhe academic world. The debale 3ave 40 million !\mericans and 100 million aroui1d lhe world a Liny 3limpse of us. IL was unqueslionably 300d for us." Dr. Micheal 8Loddard, Polilical ive. Everyone here couldn'l say enou3h 300d Lhin3s aboul il." David f rancisco, senior and Nl">C inlern.

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