Alcala Yearbook 1997

It is not very often that administrators have such a direct impact and influence on students' lives. However, it is not very often that students are able to experience an aclminislrator such as Dr. Thomas J. C0c1\srove. Dr. Cos8rove - Tom or "Cos," as many have come to know him - exemplifies what a 8tudent Affairs Administrator should be. IL is not merely what he does for the students. faculty, and staff of U8D, but how he does it that makes him special. Over four years a8o I was introduced to Tom at the start of Orientation Week, square-dancin8 with the freeihman class: somethifi8 not many administrators would do so willin81Y. ThroUfJhout my education at U8D I have been fortunate to experience Tom as a teacher, advisor, role model and friend. Throu8h watchin8 Tom work, I and many others have been able to learn valuable lessons not tau8ht in the classroom. Tom enjoys his work - he values il; it means somethin8 special to him. It is that emotion and commitment that Tom brin8s, not only to his job. but to the sludents he dedicates so much to. Dr. Cos8rove has taken students above and beyond what they thou8ht their potential was: he has helped to build and develop U8D: he has been an inspiration for many; and he does it all with a smile. It is only fittin8 that the dedication for this years Alcala be awarded to a man who has dedicated so much to the University of 8an Die8o. Con8ratulaUons, Cos! By Chris Hutchison, 8raduate student

Tom Cos8rove's 25 years at U8D have sone by quickly. Tom always approaches everythifl8 with a 8reat zeal and vi8or. To him, all students are important. fie tries to encourage students to 8et everythin8 that U8D can 8ive: learnin8, sharin8, joy, love and workin8 to8ether. Tom 8ives his all for U8D, and he has become a fond friend to many students over the years.

By Dean Thomas f. Burke

Pictured Above: Dr. Cosgrove, designated chef for 0-Week '78. Pictured Right: Groovy -- Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.


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