Alcala Yearbook 1997

u N D

Underclassmen at lhe University of 8an Diego are nevec

caught in lhe shadows of the seniors, wailing for their turn in

lhe spollight Instead, lhey dive head first inlo campus acUvily,

wilh enlhusiasm and pt'ide, beginnin8 dmin8 Or'ientation Week.

Underdassmen be8in lheir' colle8e journey with freshman

E R C L A s s M E N

slalus. They masler lime management adjust to a colle8e work

load, and learn lo balance academics, e:x.lmcurricular involvemenl,

and their social lives. as well.

8ophomore year presenls a lillle more of a challenge

wilh the inlroduclion of upper division courses. lhe likelihood

of livin8 off campus 01' in lhe coed Unive1'sity housing, and the

pressure of be8,innin8 to think aboul a major, which lcanslales,

for many, into a choice of profession.

Juniors, usually focused on classes related lo their majors.

have developed a farrtiliarity wilh college life. Many use a

semester or lhe full year lo study abroad.

Whatever path an underclaS3man takes throu8h a colle8e

career, it is always a journey of 8rowlh and discover)'. The undecclassmen of U8D are. by no means, happy to see lhe seniors leave. bul lhe end of the 1996-97 school year brin8s

them one year closer lo 8raduation, loo! The freshmen,

sophomores. and juniors wish lhe 8raduating class the best of

luck as Lhey part, from lhe University family!

"from lhe second you step on campus you're surrounded by people who wanl to make a difference. Everyone is so welcomin8 its easy to 8el involved. The hard part is havin8 lo choose between thin8S you want lo do. One of the besl thin8s about a small close– knit campus is that an individual can have an impact. I think that everyone has a place that they can find here," Hollee Cha man. freshman.

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