AOAC-RI ERP Book - Gluten.pdf

3.2.3 Discussion

Similar to the evaluation of the FAST Milk ELISA, the calculated mean concentrations were extremely similar to each other, regardless of the used washing buffer and of the storage temperature of the washing buffer (see table 4).This demonstrates that the change of washing buffer does not have a significant influence on the concentrations of the control samples and thus on the functionality of the test. Again, the stability of the washing buffer has been demonstrated in an accelerated stability testing with 6 weeks at 37°C, which is more than the usually applied maximum of 4 weeks at 37°C. As also shown in table 4, mean concentrations at 4°C and 37°C are extremely similar to each other, demonstrating that the stability of the washing buffer is not affected by the substitution of the preserving agent.

Exchange ofthimerosal

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