2018 Awards Info.


AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE  Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces  Page 6 of 6 

IV. Discuss Final Action Requirements for First Action Official Methods (if applicable) 

ERP members presented a review and discussed the feedback and tracking of AOAC First Action Official  Method 2015.13, Enumeration of Aerobic Bacteria in Food, First Action 2015 (Study directors: Bob Jechorek,  3M Food Safety, 3M Center, Building 260‐06‐B‐01, St. Paul, MN  55144 and Erin Crowley, Q Laboratories,  1400 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH  45214).  The method author, Bob Jechorek, was present and able to  address questions and concerns of the ERP members. 3  By consensus, the ERP presented the following  recommendations to the AOAC Official Methods Board.   MOTION:  Motion by Arbault, Second by Hammack to recommend AOAC OMA 2015.13 for AOAC Final Action  Official Methods status consideration.  Consensus demonstrated by: 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions (Unanimous). Motion Passed.  Adjournment  The AOAC Expert Review Panel for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces adjourned at  6:00pm.  


3  Attachment 3: Method Author Presentation for 2015.13


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