MELA Meeting Minutes 2018

 Rename “Main Menu” to “Master Listing”. This page will remain the same and will continue to display courses provided/taught by the selected institution.  Create another tab/menu item and call it “College Offerings”. This will be a list that looks like the current “Main Menu” tab but pulls in data similar to the “Self- Registration” tab. It should display all course offerings (both hosted and provided) by the selected institution. This will help advisors and students in their process of selecting a course.


Open Forum

Christa Wilhite discussed issues a student experienced when they made an appointment with ProctorU. The student did not have a webcam. SmarterProctoring does not indicate that a webcam is required. ProctorU listed everything but a webcam. In the admin site in SmaterProctoring, schools can type notes under the description to indicate required materials. Shalon will email everyone how to make updates.

Christa Wilhite and Kim Harris were presented service awards for 2017-2018 MELA officer roles.

Shalon announced that we will only do feature requests twice a year at face-to-face meetings.

ET Roles and Access, Brandi McCraw—The Student Support Committee will be meeting in person in the very near future to establish roles and access that work for all schools.

1. What and how are we doing the student course evaluations for the fall semester? Phyllis Johnson

Some schools indicated that they are extracting email addresses for hosted students and send evaluations via email.

2. What are you doing locally to ensure quality in your MSVCC courses, and how do you establish that a course is quality Christa Wilhite


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