MELA Meeting Minutes 2018

Schools are using course evaluations, rubrics, lead instructors, and subject matter experts to review courses to identify necessary improvements. Some schools penalize faculty members by reducing or removing their course load if they fail to make the necessary course improvements.

3. How do you handle assigning courses to adjuncts over full time faculty? Christa Wilhite

Schools review retention rates, senior faculty members, and full-time faculty members to determine priority of instruction in online classes. Some schools require a faculty member to work as a tutor to make up the difference in their course load instead of giving them an online class to make up the difference.

4. Do we want to start meeting face-to-face more (quarterly, etc.) or continue with virtual meetings like we have been doing? Kimberly Ellis

Meetings with a full-day meeting agenda can be justified as face-to-face.


Future Meetings

A. Wednesday, October 10—Virtual B. Wednesday, November 14—Possibly face-to-face; Location TBA


Adjournment 9:16 a.m.


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