[G4-15] [G4-DMA Labor/Management relations] [G4-DMA Investment] [G4-DMA Non-discrimination] [G4-DMA Freedom of association and collective bargaining] [G4-DMA Child labor] [G4-DMA Forced and compulsory labor] [G4-DMA Compliance]


Technicolor closely follows the international principles laid out in the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in its approach to Ethics and Social Responsibility, a standard reinforced in the Group’s Ethics policy and in its membership with the UN Global Compact. In this way, the Company pledges to ensure freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, effective abolition of child labor and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. These principles carry through into the supply chain, and supplier compliance with the Company’s policies and principles relating to ethics and human rights is monitored through a Supplier Ethics and Social Responsibility program. Technicolor has been a Member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2003. The Global Compact is a United Nations Health and Safety An effective occupational Health and Safety (H&S) program, as defined by Technicolor, looks beyond specific requirements of law to address all hazards. The aim of the occupational health and safety program is to prevent injuries and illnesses, whether or not compliance is an issue. The Group believes that the necessary elements of an effective program include, at a minimum, provisions for systematic identification, evaluation, and prevention or control of general workplace hazards, specific job hazards, and potential hazards that may arise from foreseeable conditions. Technicolor’s health and safety programs are designed to identify potential risks and take appropriate prevention and severity reduction measures. Accident and injury prevention programs include active local Safety Committees and specialized task forces, job safety analysis, written plans and procedures, employee training, monitoring for potential chemical, physical, biological, and ergonomic risks, inspections and audits, incident investigations and the implementation of appropriate corrective actions. HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT 5.1.11 GRI

initiative which challenges Member companies to align their operations and strategies around 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental practices and anti-corruption and to develop best practices in these fields. Technicolor seeks to comply with the highest ethical standards, to take into account the legitimate and ethical interests of all its stakeholders as well as the United Nations founding principles and each year submits a Communication on Progress as part of its support and engagement in favor of the Global Compact. The Communication on Progress is available as part of the Sustainability report on the Group’s website at the following location under the Governance and Ethics section:

[G4-27] [G4-LA5] [G4-LA6] [G4-LA7] [G4-LA8] [G4-DMA Occupational health and safety] [G4-DMA Local communities]

There were many notable H&S achievements during 2017 and several of them are summarized below. In industrial locations, the prevention of physical injury remains the focal point when reducing hazards around the operational areas and warehouses. At non-industrial sites, many initiatives and programs were implemented to improve working condition, to address specific risks, and to develop well-being while ensuring the safety of the workplace. An Health and Safety Management System helps reduce risks in a sustainable manner and maintain focus year after year. The Melbourne DVD Services safety practices include monthly safety meetings, risks assessments are conducted periodically, hearing loss is prevented by providing hearing tests and hearing protection in noisy areas, posters are displayed in walkways to alert employees on higher risk work practices. These efforts are rewarded by a low injuries incident rate for three years in a row, with zero reportable injuries in 2017.




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