- 5 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Stakeholder relations and local impacts of the Company’s activities

STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS AND LOCAL 5.3 IMPACTS OF THE COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES [G4-16] [G4-24] [G4-25] [G4-26] [G4-27] [G4-37] [G4-EC6] [G4-EC7] [G4-SO2] [G4-DMA Indirect economic impacts] [G4-DMA Training and education] [G4-DMA Local communities] [G4-DMA Anti-corruption] [G4-DMA Public policy] [G4-DMA Product and service labeling] GRI

Technicolor’s main activities are in the field of Research, Entertainment Services and Connected Home devices. They require creative talents for innovation of technologies and services and for development of products. This leads Technicolor to maintain relationships with a variety of key stakeholder groups to ensure growth and sustainability of its businesses, primarily: employees; ■ clients and Customers; ■ investors and shareholders; ■ educational Institutions and Research Bodies; ■ standard Setting or Standard Developing Organizations; ■ communities; ■ suppliers and Subcontractors; ■ public Authorities. ■ Within these general categories, specific stakeholders are identified as engagement opportunities based on their nearness to or connection with critical aspects of Technicolor (people, products, services, or property). Dialog may take place in a variety of ways, such as face-to-face meetings, memberships, surveys, contracts, or public event/forum/webinar/panel, as detailed in the below descriptive examples. In the field of research, emphasis is put on cooperation with educational institutions, public research bodies and other companies to keep the Technology pace. During 2017, 7 cooperative programs involving academics were running, with European as well as overseas educational institutions and public research bodies. In addition, Technicolor contributes actively to several Technology clusters, including at the governance level, where R&D activities are located. Technicolor has established longstanding relationships with neighboring educational institutions in close proximity to Technicolor research locations such as Stanford University and Berkeley University (California) and Inria (France) with cooperations managed on an ad hoc basis.

Standardization bodies are key for the implementation of patents in the frame of our Licensing activity. Technicolor contributes to 43 standardization bodies or standard setting organizations or industry alliances around the world and is part of the governance for some of them, as shown in the following table about aspects of Technicolor’s significant participation with stakeholders. Customer satisfaction is monitored and managed through regular face-to-face structured meetings with individual customers and executive review of any customer complaints for all activities. In addition, Connected Home also drives customer satisfaction surveys for its activities as they involve a large number of customers. Findings of these surveys and meetings are used to correct processes and improve relationships and quality of products and services. Retaining our talents is important. Employee satisfaction surveys are conducted on selected sites, typically where retention rate may be an issue. A worldwide employee engagement survey has been conducted for VFX film employees and another one for employees in Brazil. In addition one site employee satisfaction surveys has been performed in Mexico. Technicolor maintains close relations with local communities in order to limit the impacts of the Company’s activities on the local environment ( e.g. noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution and road traffic). The Group strives to take the necessary steps in these contexts in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all concerned. Technicolor strives to hire locally most of its employees. Technicolor’s locations are usually in very large cities and surrounding metropolitan areas and, as a result, Technicolor holds a minority employer position in most employment areas where it is located and has limited direct local economic influence, except for research and development impact as detailed above.




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