- 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements

Other equity instruments 8.3. The deeply subordinated perpetual notes ( Titres Super Subordonnés – TSS) are booked as other equity instruments. Further to the restructuring of the Company’s debt in 2010, the characteristics of these perpetual notes are now as follow:

they are not repayable other than (i) at Technicolor’s sole option in ■ specific contractually defined events or (ii) in case of liquidation of the Company; they no longer bear interest, since an amount of €25 million was ■ paid to TSS holders as final payment of all interest claims in 2010.

Dividends and other distributions 8.4. The Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 24, 2017 voted the payment of a dividend of €0.06 per share for the fiscal year 2016. The amount of €25 million was paid to shareholders on June 2017.

In 2016, for the fiscal year 2015, a €25 million dividend (€0.06 per share) was paid to shareholders.




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