- 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Listing information

Prior to any transfer of securities listed on Euronext Paris held in registered form, the securities must be converted into bearer form and accordingly recorded in an account maintained by an intermediary accredited with Euroclear France SA, a registered central security depositary. Trades of securities listed on Euronext Paris are cleared through L.C.H. Clearnet and settled through Euroclear France SA using a continuous net settlement system.

In France, Technicolor’s ordinary shares are included in the SBF 120 and Next 150 Index, and the CAC Media, CAC Consumer Services, CAC MID&SMALL and CAC Mid 60 Indices. Since 2014, ADSs have been traded on OTCQX International Premier, a premium OTC securities listing service (symbol: TCLRY).

LISTING ON EURONEXT PARIS 7.2.2 The tables below set forth, for the periods indicated, the high and low prices (in euros) for Technicolor’s outstanding shares on Euronext Paris. Euronext Paris Volume of transactions Share price (in euros)

Average closing

Years ending December 31

(in million euros) Number of shares Average volume

price Highest price

Lowest price

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

807.00 1,231.30 1,375.13 1,473.64 1,141.00

258,614,158 248,831,865 227,934,940 263,351,060 319,022,476

1,014,173 975,811 890,371 1,024,712 1,251,069

3.30 4.99 6.03 5.62 3.71

4.17 6.18 7.57 7.46 5.28

1.93 3.52 4.27 4.55 2.60

Source: Euronext.

Euronext Paris

Volume of transactions

Share price (in euros)

Average closing

Years ending December 31

(in million euros) Number of shares Average volume

price Highest price

Lowest price

2015 First quarter

337.67 252.04 374.91 410.51 473.97 392.48 268.66 338.53 391.12 219.88 238.70 291.30

63,546,559 43,500,208 59,168,436 61,719,737 81,604,784 69,505,908 46,054,451 66,185,917 96,909,544 49,827,649 72,984,964 99,300,319

1,008,676 701,616 896,491 949,534 1,316,206 1,069,322 697,795 1,034,155 1,490,916 803,672 1,122,846 1,576,196

5.23 5.79 6.30 6.77 5.89 5.63 5.85 5.14 4.14 4.49 3.30 2.92

6.01 6.25 7.21 7.57 7.46 6.30 6.25 6.05 5.28 4.80 4.09 3.28

4.27 5.46 5.25 5.85 4.76 4.85 5.35 4.55 3.48 3.57 2.84 2.60

Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter

2016 First quarter

Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter

2017 First quarter

Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter

Source: Euronext.




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