CHAPTER 1: University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany

The University of Applied Sciences Zwickau is located in the Saxony region, in the automotive and Robert Schumann city of Zwickau. It was re-constituted as a university

in 1992, its predecessor being an engineering school. It offers 54 study programmes in bachelor’s, master’s and German diploma degrees, providing first class educational experience with a high share of practical training. 3,800 attend, with 150 professors offering classes. It has about 100 international university partnerships. The University of Applied Sciences Zwickau provides education in different fields of study: Technology, Economy, Languages, Healthcare and Applied Arts.


Prof. Dr. phil. Doris Fetscher Doris Fetscher is professor of intercultural training with a focus on Romance culture and international business administration. She is the head of the trinational master’s studies programme Regional European and Project Management. She completed her doctorate at the Philological-Historical Faculty of the University of Augsburg. Her research focuses are: intercultural pragmatics, intercultural didactics, e-portfolios for intercultural accompaniment abroad. Susanne Klein, M.A. Susanne Klein is a research associate at the Faculty of Applied Languages and Intercultural Communication at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau. She is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Intercultural Communication at the University of Hildesheim. She completed her Master’s degree in Regional European and Project Management. Her research focuses are intercultural learning, learning potential of critical incident narratives and intercultural project communication.

Project team Doris Fetscher, Susanne Klein


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