of the institutions that regulate or dictate the rules of the game in the academic (students in our case) and workers context. Therefore, there seem to be two different perspectives from which such an issue can be approached: ex ante and ex post . The first one is based on prevention, and the second on crisis management. A working environment that complies with health regulations and any other constraints laid down to protect workers, for instance, with provision for guarantees for ethnic and religious minorities, is a prerequisite for minimising the number and severity of crises.

Figure 15: The conceptual framework

By the same token, management experience and training in the area of psychology and behavioural disciplines guarantees enlightened governance in the ex post management of crises, minimising the time required to settle the incident and neutralising most of the adverse effects. On the other hand, the effectiveness of prevention is based on the management’s ability to foresee the nature of crises that could occur, their impact and the vulnerability of institutions to this type of incident. The need for training in this sense, especially in the absence of experience, makes it clear that this activity entails costs. While reducing the company’s result (if we consider a company having profit objectives), this costly option increases efficiency and stability, with a final net result that is certainly positive. And the benefit of this choice will also be measured by the satisfaction not only of


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