CHAPTER 4: University of Siena, Italy

The University of Siena is one of the oldest universities in the world and ranks 1st among Italian universities (CENSIS). The city-campus is located

in the heart of the Tuscany region. The number of students attending is 17,000, with a further 850 professors and researchers on staff. It offers 31 bachelor’s, 35 master’s and 23 doctoral programmes, and 26 programmes are taught in English. The University of Siena provides education in a wide range of study fields in the following areas: Economics, Law and Political Sciences, Biomedical and Medical Sciences, Literature, History, Philosophy and the Arts and Experimental Sciences.


Maurizio Pompella, Ph.D. Maurizio Pompella is a Full Professor (professore ordinario) of Financial Intermediaries Economics at the University of Siena, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Italy. He has been a researcher, lecturer, senior lecturer, and associate professor since 1991. His areas of expertise/interest include financial intermediaries economics, banking, finance, insurance economics, fintech and blockchain, structured finance and innovation, ART, banking and

monetary economics, ESG finance, and sustainability transition. Maurizio has been teaching banking, finance, and insurance at graduate and post-graduate level in Italy, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Russian Federation and China.

Mario De Martino, Ph.D. Mario De Martino has worked as Project Manager at the University of Siena (Department of Business and Law) since 2018. He has earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Politics from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), a post-graduate master in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe (Natolin campus) and a Master’s Degree in International Studies from the University of Siena. His main research interests focus on European studies and education policy.


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