CIT stays in the traditional scholarly boundaries, starting with clearly identifying the purpose of the study, including setting up pertinent research questions or hypotheses and collecting data choosing such methods that “generally support practical outcomes” to maximise the usefulness of the findings (Hughes, 2008, p. 50). Prior to choosing the methods for data collection and analysis constituting the third step, questions of relevance are posed in order to ensure a plausible choice of the setting, participants and related objectives. The collected body of data is further assessed and interpreted within emerging categories of topics. Upon considering potential bias and limitations against the general aim of the research, the final results are updated for their intended practical use.

Figure 1: The Critical Incident Technique procedure

Step 1: General Aims Identifying the purpose of the study and posing research questions.

Measures of typical performance Measures of proficiency Training Selection and classification Operating procedures Equipment design Motivation and leadership Counselling and psychology

Step 2: Plans and Specifications Addressing questions of relevance and objectivity. Situations to be observed Relevance to the general aim

Extent of effect on the general aim Persons to make the observations Groups to be observed Behaviours to be observed

Step 3: Collecting the data Choosing methods for data collection and analysis.

Interviews Group interviews (focus groups) Questionnaires Record forms

Step 4: Analysing the data Summarising and describing the data to be used and to maximise their practical usefulness.

Selecting a relevant frame of reference Formulating a set of major categories Placing the incidents into the categories

Step 5: Interpreting and reporting Weighing potential overgeneralisations or bias and identifying limitations of the research.

Reviewing the general aim Evaluating the data Reporting the value of the results


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