Leaving a team difficult to estimate. Perhaps 1–5 weeks reporting undramatic retrospective summarising we: ‘undergoer’ versus ‘agency’; the girl: ‘agency’ no culturalisation, no stereotyping approx. 1 semester reporting undramatic retrospective summarising and categorising limited ethnicisation, direct othering (international versus regular students) Prejudices, 2 lines “often” reporting retrospective categorising from the result direct othering (“I feel left out” versus “them”) Chinese Challenge, 9 lines almost 1 year rather reporting chain of events without a climax Greeting 12 lines Austrians and the Master course, 13 lines member, 3 lines

culturalisation, partially stereotyping (Chinese culture in management) culturalisation, relativising stereotyping

Culturalisation/ stereotyping ethnicisation / othering indirect stereotyping

implicit culturalisation and stereotyping limited ethnicisation

no culturalisation, no stereotyping

no culturalisation, no stereotyping limited ethnicisation

limited ethnicisation

Representation techniques Narrative dynamics Positioning of self and others rather rather

Food part 5 lines about 15 min scenic-episodic clear ‘plan break’ narrator: despite the ‘plan break’ actor with ‘high agency’; the group: homogeneous and rather passive approx. 2 weeks to 2 months scenic-episodic ‘complication’ represented in two phases, dramatic climax approx. 1 semester reporting undramatic description followed by a positive ‘plan break’ approx. 1–3 min scenic-episodic organised towards approx.

the teachers: ‘high agency’ versus ‘undergoer’; exchange students: ‘high agency’

narrator: dilemma between ‘high agency’ and ‘undergoer’; the ‘one student’: ‘agency’ to not fulfil the expectations; the group: rather ‘high agency’ narrator and the other group member: dilemma between ‘high agency’ and ‘undergoer’; the coordinator: ‘high agency’; the group: ‘change’ from passive to ‘agency’

narrator as a passive observer with knowledge but without ‘agency’; the “Finnish guy”: ‘high agency’; the friends: ‘undergoer’

narrator: no ‘agency’; the woman: ‘undergoer’; the man: ‘high agency’; construction of difference between the woman and the man.

clear ‘plan break’ the student friend: ‘agency’ versus ‘undergoer’; the box office: ‘agency’ versus ‘undergoer’

narrator: negotiation of the ‘degree of sameness and difference’, able to ‘change’; the Austrians: actors with more power, not able to ‘change’

I: ‘undergoer’, no ‘change’; the people: ‘agency’, no ‘change’

narrator: active but ‘undergoer’ over time; supervisor: “with Chinese identity”, no potential to ‘change’ 5–10 sec scenic-episodic clear ‘plan break’ narrator: ‘change’ from “enthusiastic” to “puzzled”, ‘undergoer’; classmate: ‘agency’ difficult to estimate. Perhaps 1–2 weeks rather reporting, third person (renarrated?) undramatic summarising followed by a ‘plan break’ approx. 1–2 hours scenic-episodic ‘plan break’ not described when it occurs but through a retrospective critique

a dramatic climax



Narrated time

1–3 min

74 Appendix III – Summary Analysis Short title and length Friendly criticism 12 lines Happy Ending 8 lines Harassment 4 lines Jízdenka 3 lines

Meaning of a smile 5 lines

Paying a bill in a restaurant 5 lines

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