Critical Incidents in Intercultural Communication and Promoting Diversity Project

This publication is one of the intellectual outcomes (IO2) of the Erasmus+ international project Critical Incidents in Intercultural Communication and Promoting Diversity (CIICPD) run between September 2020 and August 2023. Based on cross-border cooperation within an international consortium of five European partner universities and their author teams for individual chapters of this book, the project’s focus was to explore varied alternatives for multidisciplinary use of critical incidents in the context of diversity management and intercultural communication in academic, professional as well as public sectors. The project activities aimed at research on CIs presented through scientific publications (IO1) and student final theses (IO5), as well as practical implications of the themes and findings in the form of methodologies, pedagogical models and training materials (IO4). Ideas and concepts developed throughout the project were then implemented not only into the higher education institutions’ programmes and syllabi (IO3) but also disseminated within wider educational networks, professional organisations and public institutions. The project was coordinated by the Škoda Auto University from Czechia in cooperation with higher education institutions (HEIs) from Germany (University of Applied Sciences Zwickau), Austria (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria), Italy (University of Siena), and Finland (Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences), who actively cooperated through varied forms of joint activities including monthly online project sessions and annual transnational meetings hosted by individual project partners. Students from each of the institutions then worked on an international tandem or team projects in selected subjects or as participants of two summer schools. An integral feature of the CIICPD project was an extended cooperation with external stakeholders from the area of business, vocational, professional or language education, academia, non-profit sector or politics. The final conference Beyond Horizons II was a natural result of the wide-embracing cooperation built on diversity and intercultural communication. CIICPD


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