NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7

of the schedule was sent to Lega's so they can coordinate the menu items more effectively

Clubhouse - PC Hugh Vestal The refrigeration expense was $1,200 to $1,300 for a new compressor. The compressor was under warranty, but not the labor. The air conditioner should not be set below 75 degrees, and the heat should not be set higher than 69 degrees. It will ruin the compressor. The manager or OD are in charge of the controller. If you have a request, please see the manager or OD. Our contract for Direct Energy is coming due in September. We have a quote for energy that is less than last year. Motion: Moved by VC Chuck Stroh to accept the contract. Seconded by Randy Pagel. Motion Carried. Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss Don suggested that we consider getting a new lawn mower since we have been having problems with the old one. The cost of a new lawn mower is about $8,000 for a good professional mower. Don also recommended that we have a company professionally winterize the sprinkler system, since we had to pay $480 for sprinkler repairs this spring.

Membership- Brian Malik Absent, no report

Publications- Brent Malik Absent, no report

Secretary – Randy Pagel Randy looked into a liquor license for incoming rendezvous, and it was determined that no special license is needed. A list of members on LOA and in bad standing will be posted on bulletin board. These members are not allowed on the island.

Supplies- Ian Blackburn Absent, no report

Transportation – Darryl Campbell

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