U Magazine, Spring 1987
King to push for more alumni involvement
C h arles King ·52 is a true-blue USD fan. As president of the Alumni Associa– tion in 1987, he plans to work hard to see that more alumni feel as he does. "My primary goal is to get more people involved with USD, " he says with convic– tion. "I want to make personal contact with as many grads as I can. " King, a partner and vice president of the San Diego investment counseling firm of Rice , Hall, James and Associates, has been actively involved with the University since his graduation 25 years ago, an associa– tion he clearly relishes. But he wants more alumni to feel proud about their associa– tion with USD. And he wishes more a lumni would come back to campus and see firsthand the tremendous growth and increased stature the University has gained in recent years. "Those who haven't been here don·t know what they're missing. Tremendous changes have occurred," he notes , "not only in the physical surroundings, but more importantly, in the scope ofwhat the University is doing. The breadth of the cur– riculum, the major role that USD is now playing in the community, the quality and dedication of the faculty really shine. The word is getting out that USD is a unique place to go to school." King and his a lumni board of directors intend to personally contact alumni to invite them to campus events during the year. They also plan to place more emphasis on the class agent program. ··Alumni can get involved with USD in so many ways ," King says. "We want grads to pick an area they're interested in - say its crew or the basketball team or the busi– ness school or theatrics - and get involved. There's something for everyone." Because ofwhat he gained from his USD experience, King believes he should give some of his time and talent to the Uni – versity. He hopes other graduates feel the same. ·'The University is doing things for alumni all of the time. Much of it is in the community, building a reputation , build– ing a tradition. By doing that USD is in– directly enriching the value of the degrees of all of its alumni." And while he acknowledges that many alumni feel the University is interested in them only when asking for contributions, he points out that all independent univer– sities are financially dependent upon the generosity of their graduates and friends. "The University realizes that many of its alumni are young and not able to give
money at this point in their lives,"he says. "But at the same time, ifUSD is to achieve in the future the kind of academic excel– lence it seeks and build an endowment to ensure long term fiscal health, it will require the support ofa broad segment of our alumni." King worked in the investment manage– ment department at what is now Califor– nia First Bank for 11 years before hejoined his current firm . He serves as president of the Estate Planning Council of San Diego , finance committee chair of University High School's board of directors and is a longtime member ofUSD's trusts and estates committee. King and his wife , Maureen (Pecht '64), are the parents of three daughters and a son . Other Alumni Association officers for 1987 include Clare White '80, vice presi– dent ; Michael Pon '80, secretary; and Delle Willett-Stattin '64, president-elect. New directors who began two-year terms in January are Charles Abdi '83 , Goldie (Sinegal) Dustman '75, Andrew Kozlowski '80, Charles LiMandri '77, Michael Liuzzi '76 , Christine (Lynch) Muecke '78 M. Ed. (education association rep), Lori Murray '83, Bob O'Connell '82 (rowing association rep), and Elizabeth Lennox Reed. They join returning board members Ted Fields '68, Carlton Hoggard '78, Daniel Jacobsen '74, Larry McDonald '85 MBA (graduate business association rep), Jan Mulligan '78 ('81 L) and Virginia Stehly '83 . The Alumni Association and its direc– tors work to involve alumni in the educa– tional, social and financial aspects ofUSD. Board directors are appointed to two– year terms. • I lfyou·rean alum a nd you want to ma ke your voice heard , come to a meeting of the Alumni Association 's boa rd of d irectors , says Charles King "62, associa– tion president. The board meets five times annually and alums are always welcome. Upcoming meetings include April 14 and June 9. Each meeting will begin at5:30 p.m. in the University Center. Call 260-4819 for more information. • You're invited to board meetings
"My primary goal is to get more people involved w ith USD . ·· declares Charles King "62.
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