U Magazine, Spring 1987
1981 Kim Scott is a 2nd Lt. in the Marine Corps. He is stationed in Okinawa... Suzanne (Whitaker) Hagan and husband Rick announce the birth of their son , Ryan , on February 3 , 1987.. . Bob Barth– olamew has worked for Aztec Business Machines for three years sell ing copiers and typewriters. 1982 Christopher Martinez was recently elected banking officer of the MCredit area at MBank Dallas. MBank Dallas is the lead bank ofMCorp, the largest finan– cial institution in Texas and ranked in the top 20 nationally.. . Navy Lt . Will Dailey is currently serving aboard the replenishment oiler USS Kansas City, homeported in Oakland, Calif. He will be participating in underway replenish– ments to carrier battle groups on ma– neuvers in that a1·ea... Joanne Gill died on January 29, 1987 in her home in Mis– s ion Hills. She was a veteran of the Army Nu rse Corps who served in the Vietnam War and a nurse practictioner at the Doris Miller Elementary School in Tier– rasanta.. .LindaAnn Geary received her MFA in June 1986... Connie Campbell has a new job with Clinical Data. She is getting married at Founders Chapel in July to a Univers ity ofWash ington graduate, Gil Edwards. She now lives in Long Beach, Cali f. ..Richard King mar– ried his high school sweetheart in November 1985. They are living in La Habra, Calif. Richard is a real estate broker/manager with Century 21 Beachside . The Kings breed and show Persian cats.. . Sheila (Markarian) Kidwell is a CPA employed with Hutch in– son &Bloodgood, CPA's. She married Cal– vin Kidwell in January of 1986 .. . Geral– dine [Deenie) Clinton is in her third year within the Society of the Sacred Heart, completing her second year as a novice. She resides in Newton Centre, Mass.. . Jan Van Sicklen has remarried a n d is now Mrs. Jane (Markosian) Cook. She and her husband li ve in Salt Lake City. Utah ...Michael Hornung will be graduating in June 1987 from St. John University's School of Law , and will be practicing in New York and Florida... Russ Whitmarsh has been employed at A. L. Wisdom &Assoc. for the past three and a half years doing inves– tigative work. He's modeling himselfafter Magnum , P.I. .. MaryanneArena has a new job with R. L. Stollar, hydro– geologists in Santa Ana. Cali f. She is a new project administrator. . . Margaret Dostal and Paul Gregory Dutcher were married at the lmmaculata on May 31, 1986. Margaret is teaching math for the San Diego city schools ... Charles Eaton is currently in his second year in medical school at St. Louis University.. . Therese (Schubert) Lelevier worked at Frazee Paint for almost two years. She is married
birth of their second child. Jean Marie. born on the fifth b irthday of their son. Nicholas. September 27. 1986. David was promoted in August 1986 to d irector of operations for the new Un iversity Center at USO and is currently completing work for his master's degree in counseli ng... William "Jody" Gunderman and his wife. Debbie, are enjoying their time with their new son, Will iam Jerome IV, born October 19. 1986. Jody has completed his MBA at Seattle Un ivers ity and is currently working as an operations manager at the Allstate regional office in Seattle. 1980 Navy Lt. Kevin Sanders has been desig– nated a Naval Flight Officer. He received h is "wings ofgold" upon completion of the 13-week Radar Intercept Officer course at the Naval Air Station, Pen sacola, Fla .. . Carrie (Galvin) Dern gave birth to her second daughter, Brittany Ann, on November 23, 1986. She is currently pur– suing a master's degree in business at UC Berkeley.. . Jim Gonzalez is a financ ial adviser with Prudential Insurance in San Rafael, Calif.. . John and Helen (Kasperick) Finneran '81 are proud to announce the arrival of their first child. John Joseph Finneran IV was born June 22, 1986. John and Helen are both employed at Lockheed in Sunnyvale, Cali f. John is a program plans coordi– nator and Helen is an administrator. .. Mark Hanson is a prosecuting attorney for the state of Florida, county of Palm Beach, in the major crimes d ivision. Mark is a 1985 graduate of Tulane Law School in New Orleans, La., and now lives in Palm Beach. Fla .. . Mary (Clarke) Stevens has recently moved to Princeton, NJ , from Denver with her husband and their daughter, Sara, born October 1, 1986. She'd love visitors anytime from any– where.. . Karen [Goodfellow) Engelsen and husband, Brian , have a coffee roast– ing company ("Bene Caffe") in Santa Cruz, Cali f. They live with th eir two sons on the Monterey Pensinula.. . Kim Jacobs has been living in Los Angeles for the past s ix years. She sells medical equipment for th e Kendall Co. , covering North Califor– nia, Nevada and Hawaii. She completed her MBA in November 1985.. . Mark Johnson is a clinical psychologist work– ing at UCSD Medical Center. He also is in private practice in San Diego. He received his Ph .D. from Ohio State University in 1985. He is the assistant editor of"An– nual Review of Psychopathology," and taught psychology at USD 1985-1986.. . Duane Lindsey passed the bar in 1984 and opened h is own practice in 1985 in Newport Beach, specializing in real estate and business litigation...Ter esa Major Stewart married Tom Dixson October 26. 1986, and now goes by Teresa Dixson. She recently joined Weissburg and Aron– son, a San Diego branch law office.
R ichard K i ng '82
to Ab ial Lelvier and is expecting their sec– ond child.. . Kathleen (Schubert) Cohen worked in San Franciso for American Foods fo r four years as a cost accountant. She is married to Robert Cohen and is expecting their fi rst ch ild. 1983 Linda Eerebout has a new job with Farm– ers Insurance as an insurance special– ist. .. Roberta (Joslin) Barry and hus– band, Robert, are the proud parents of six-month-old Megan Jeanette.. . Bill O'Connell and Laurie Leone '82 plan to be married April 25 . 1987 in Glendale.. . Donald Niklas is attending law school. He is engaged to Kimberly Kitchen. a graduate of USC.. . Cathy Galvin and Jim Schnieders were married October 12, 1985. They reside in Solana Beach , Cali f. ... Lori Murray is engaged to Doug Simpson, a USC graduate. They were introduced to each other by Charlie Abdi and will be married on October 3, 1987 at th e Immaculata.. . Rev. John Carriero is a guidance counselor at McQuaid Jesuit High School. He received the Bene Merenti award in June of 1986. He was active in pastoral work during the s um– mer of 1986 at Goldwater Hospital on Wel– fare Island. New York City: during the summer of 1985 at the Manhattan House of Detention ("the tombs "): during the summer of 1984 at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Hollywood, Calif. He has very fond memories of USD (especially each winter) ... Jeffrey Bossart is currently working with the American International Group in New York City. He has been appointed a secretary with A.LG . and is currently the manager of di rector and officer claims. He is the proud father of Caitlin Marie, 2, and Kristin Lee, six months ... Terese (Sch iro) Sh olander received her teach ing credential in J u ne 1986 from Cal Poly Pomona and is now teaching high school computer opera– tions. Terese married Richard Sholander January 17, 1987. Terese met Richard at Darrel '83 and Terri (Gainey) Affords ' '83 wedding three years ago. The Sholanders reside in Lindsay. Calif. .. . Mary Kovac will be graduating from Loyola Dental School ofChicago in May of 1987 and will begin a two-year residency in the specialty of pediatric dentistry in July at Loyola .. . Lauri Miller was accepted into the Wayne State University doctoral program in nursing science. She recently
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