U Magazine, Spring 1987
APRIL Through May 31 Cori ta Kent serigraph exhibition. Noon to 5 p.m., weekdays, Founders Gallery. 260-4600. ext. 4261. 9 "Dilemmas in Economic Policy: Where Do We Go from Here?"' Sixth in series of free public issue forun1s . Paul Wohlmulh Esq. , professor of law. forum leader. 7:30 p.m., Manchester Executive Conference Center. 260-4585 . Reception in Phoen ix for law alumni. 7:30 p.m. , Hilton Pavilion, Mesa. Craig Swanson '85 , (602) 957- 1810. 10 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. '"Mega trends, Manage– ment and You." Dr. Lawrence Barry, adjunct professor of management. Continental breakfas t 7 :30 a.m .. sem inar 8 a. m. Manchester Conference Center. $15 . 260-4585. Men·s baseball vs . University of Santa Clara. 2:30 p.m .. baseball fi eld. 11 Men·s baseball vs. Univers ity of Santa Clara, doubleheader. Noon, baseball field. Dean's Ball. Proceeds benefit academic programs. T ickets $125. $250. $500. Cocktails 7 p.m., dinner8 p.m .. Town and Country Hole!. 698-1156. 14 Alumni Association board of directors meeting. 5:30 p.m .. Univers ity Center. 260-4819. 16 Men 's baseball vs. Pacific Lutheran University. 11 :30 a .m ., baseball fi eld. 21 Men·s baseball vs. San Diego Stale University. 7 p.m. , SDSU field. 23- "B ridging the Pacifi c" Conference. co-sponsored by th e 25 Southern California Division of the United Nations Associa– tion. USO, and the San Diego World Trade Association. Development and trade, hunger, population and migration , and children will be among the workshop topics. 233-3970. 24 Busin ess Update Bre'lkfast Seminar. "Men , Women. Power and Organizational Politics." Dr. Johanna Hunsake.r , associate professor of management. Continental break fast 7:30 a.m. , seminar 8 a.m., Manchester Conference Center. $ 15. 260-4585. 25 Men·s baseball vs . Sacramento Stale, doubleheader. Noon , baseball field . 26 Sister Rossi Concert. USO Orchestra, conducted by Dr. Henry Kolar, will perform music by Haydn, Smetana and Brahm"s Piano Concerto No. I. Fr. Nicolas Reveles piano soloist. 4 p.m .. Cam ino Theater. $5 general: $2 students with i.d. Funds benefit Sr. Rossi Scholarship fund. 260-4600. ext. 4456. MAY 1 Men·s baseball vs. Loyola Marymount. 2:30 p.m. , baseball field. 2 Men's baseball vs. Loyola Marymounl, doubleheader. Noon. baseball field. Class of 1963 reun ion. 5:30 p.m ., Manchester Executive Conference Center. 260-4819. 4 USO Auxiliary installation luncheon. 260-4271. 5 USD/SDSU/UCSD NROTC un it spring awa rds ceremony. 2:35 p.m. , Torero Stadium. Graduate English department spring lecture. Dr. Cynthia Caywood, ass is tan t professor of English. 4 p. m., Manchester Conference Center. Free, students: $4, general publi c. 6 Fifth Annual Corporate Associates Recognition Luncheon. Guest speaker Edwin Meese Ill, U.S. Attorney General. ll:30a.m. , Univers ity Center. 260-4690. 8 Law a lumn i sports night: Padres vs. Cubs. 5 :30 p.m. , tai l– gate dinner: 7:05 p.m .. game. 260-4692. 8- Opera Workshop spring production. "'The Play of Daniel,·· 9 a 13th century li turgicaldrama set to music. 8 p. m .. Founders
Chapel. $5. general: $2 seniors and students with i.d. 260-4600. ext. 4456. 9 G ra duating senior ba nquel. sponsored by Student Alumni Association. 7p.m.-l a. m .. University Center Forum. 260-48 19 . 22 School of Law student awards ceremony. 5 p.m. , location TBA. 260-4692. 23 School ofLawcommencement. 10:30a.m.. ToreroStadium. Baccalaureate Mass. 4 p.m .. Torero Stadium. 24 Graduate student commencement. 10:30 a .m .. Torero Stadium. Undergraduate commencement. 2:30 p. m .. Torero Stadium . 27 Ninth annual Sports Banqu et. Proceeds benefit USO athletics. 6:30 p.m .. Unive1·sity Center. JUNE 1 Summer Sessions courses begin. Three- to 12-week sessions. 260-4800. 2 Annual Economic forecast event sponsored by Co rporate Associates. Guest speakers William Holland, vice president of Kidder Peabody and Co. , Inc. , and business editor, KSDO rad io: and Dr. Robert O"Neil. assoc iate dean. USO School of Business Adm inistration. 4:30 p .m. , University Center. 260-4690. 9 Alumni Association boa1·d of directors meeti ng. 5 :30 p. m .. Un iversity Center. 260-48 19. Summer Religious Lecture Series. ··A Spirituality of Letting Go... fr. Richard Rohr, OfM. 7 p.m.. Manchester Conference Center. fee. 260-4585. 16 Summer Religious Lecture Series. Robert Johnson. 7 p.m .. Manch este r Conference Center. Fee. 260-4585. 26- 15-year class reunion weekend. School of Law Class of 28 1972. 260-4692. JULY 8- Summer Religious Lecture Series. ··Excitement, Dancing. 10 Loving. Playing: Prayer for Where We Are ... Sr. Jose Hobday, OFM. 7 p. m. , Manchester Conference Center. Fee. 260-4585. 15 Summer Religious Lecture Series. "God's Explos ive Love in the Nuclear Age.·· fr. George Maloney. S.J. 7 p.m., Manches– ter Conference Center. Fee. 260-4585. OTHER PROGRAMS Institute of Christian Ministries workshops Topics include "Resurrection Narratives ... "The Catechumenal Journey.·· "Th e Shape of Cathol icism: Pass ing on the Tradition ... ··spiritual Growth Day.·· "New Testament Moral Concerns.·· "Sym– posium: Women of Mission. " April. May . Jun e. June. Fees. 260-4784. Sports Camps Sports camps for boys and g irls. ages 8-18. Sessions in soccer. softball , football , competitive swimming. basketball. tournament tennis , bas ics tennis. weight training and g irls volleyball. Day and resident camps. June. July. Augusl. USO campus. Fee. 260-4803. University of the Third Age A program of physical exercise and classes for persons 55 and older. July. $55. 260-4585. Creative Kids '87 A program for kids in grades two through seven devoted to helping students stretch their creative ab ilities. Classes include sessions in arl. science, computers and math. Session one : July 6-17. Ses– s ion two: July 20-July 3 1. $55 each class. 260-4585. The area codeJor all USO telephone numbers (those beginning with 260) is 619.
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