Food and drink With plenty of food outlets scattered across our campus, you’ll never be stuck for something to eat. Graze restaurant and Red & Black café are located in the social hub on campus, conveniently near to your lectures and the library. While you’re out and about, our Equine Arena Restaurant and farm snack truck Subs Your Way will keep you going. You can also grab a light bite in Heroes Common Room.

Graze restaurant Core opening hours: 7.30am – 8pm Breakfast: 7.30am – 10.30am Lunch: 11.30am – 2pm Dinner: Monday – Thursday 5pm – 8pm Friday 5pm – 7pm

Subs Your Way (located at the farm) Monday – Friday 8am – 2pm Legends (18+) Monday – Friday 10am – 11pm Saturday and Sunday 12pm – 11pm

Saturday and Sunday Breakfast: 8am – 11am Lunch: 12pm – 1pm Dinner: Saturday 5pm – 6pm Sunday 5pm – 7pm

Red & Black – our Costa café Monday – Friday 8am – 10pm

Equine Arena Restaurant Monday – Friday Breakfast: 8am – 9.30am Lunch: 12pm – 2pm

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