ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIETAL INFORMATION − HUMAN RESOURCES Act positively within communities and strengthen dialogue

Some examples of actions carried out in 2017: at the Sales Department in France, a safety instructions booklet is systematically ■ sent to all customers who take out a natural gas subscription with EDF, regardless of the channel of subscription of this offering. These instructions can also be accessed on the edf.fr web site. The edf.fr web site also has informative content concerning electricity. Moreover, EDF is an active member of the PROMOTELEC association which offers advice to consumers. The new Sowee subsidiary offers its residential customers access to information on their interior air quality via a connected terminal; as part of Dalkia’s reinforced health and safety action plan, the subcontractor ■ health and safety charter has been deployed and the subcontractor safety assessment scheme has been set up. In 2017, a certain number of actions (subcontractor breakfast meetings, for example) were set up by entities to ensure greater involvement of subcontractors in these issues as well as safety audits of subcontractors on large sites. Dalkia deploys SERENIS, an offering dedicated to health institutions that ensures the quality and availability of useful energy (heating, air-conditioning, etc.), and includes the regulatory conformity of facilities and the implementation of health risk control procedures; EDF conducts research to assess the impact of energy efficiency work on the ■ quality of life of occupants. EDF develops major research on the assessment of the impacts of our generation facilities on people and ecosystems, for example, through our chemical or radiological discharges. Replacement processes or products are also tested and assessed to reduce health risks to residents as well as employees; Électricité de Strasbourg provides its customers with various sorts of information ■ relating to their electrical installations and acts on risk prevention. On its web site, its blog and also with specific messages such as customer letters concerning electrical installations (1) , ÉS provides its gas customers with a document entitled “gas safety info.” that sets out the principles for use, servicing and safety relating to natural gas (2) in the home; for several years now, Enedis has been disseminating safety advice to people ■ working near electrical facilities. This prevention campaign was completely renewed in 2016 and completed in 2017. It is now based on the slogan: “Caution Electricity: keep your distance” and gives advice that reminds various groups of the different precautions to be taken close to the facilities. At the national level, Enedis develops partnership agreements with organisations that represent the main populations at risk, for example with the national fishing federation in France (FNPF) in order to raise the awareness of anglers to the risks close to electric lines and advise them; the General Directorate of civil security and crisis management (DGSCGC) in order to reinforce their cooperation in the prevention of risks related to fire-fighting close to electrical networks. There are other agreements with partners in the building and civil engineering sectors, farming and recreational aviation. In the regions, Enedis also works with associations and professional federations to relay information. There were over 300 agreements in force in 2017, in particular with organisations representing agricultural activities, recreational aviation, fishing and fire-fighting. Lastly, Enedis takes part in national and local events (trade shows, fairs, etc.) where it raises the awareness of visitors to the risks arising from certain activities conducted close to electrical facilities. In 2017, Enedis was at the International Agricultural Show and, as it does every year, took part in a programme broadcast by Campagne TV; for high risk customers (people who require respiratory assistance at least 20 ■ hours a day and children with parenteral nutrition), there is a specific information procedure in case of a power cut. For cases of power cuts scheduled in advance for works, the distributor notifies the patients or their representatives one by one so they can organise themselves and avoid the consequences of an interruption to supply. For non-scheduled power cuts, the distributor provides the patients with a phone number that is especially reserved for them as well as the organisations representing them to enable them to call and find out the probable

duration of the power cut. This information is essential since the emergency services on which these patients depend have a limited (3) period of autonomy; abroad, EDF Energy in the UK, and EDF Polska informed their customers of the ■ potential dangers of electricity through newsletters or on the back of bills; EDF Energy also offers a toll free number to inform its customers about safety practices. It carries out a specific action for its more vulnerable customers to promote their health especially during the winter period; in Italy in 2017, our subsidiary Edison acquired a 51% stake in Assistenza Casa ■ (Home Serve Group), a company involved in innovative services to consumers. This company that employs 50 people has a network of 400 artisans all over Italy to serve some 300,000 customers. Edison is thus able to offer new maintenance and repair services to improve home comfort. Edison has created a home assistance service to its customers to cover the malfunctioning of electrical appliances that run on gas. This service offers the possibility of unlimited calls and a guarantee of services; an information campaign was organised by the Medical Studies Service (SEM) on ■ the question of magnetic fields; EDF Énergies Nouvelles ensures that its facilities are fully compliant by adhering ■ to the applicable regulatory requirements with regard to acoustics. Furthermore, it has internal staff dedicated to this issue within the Group’s Engineering Department. Acoustic studies are performed for each wind project studied to assess impacts and minimise them at the design stage of project development. The noise level of turbines form part of the selection criteria for the procurement of machinery. This parameter is taken into account as part of the technical criteria for the classification of turbine manufacturers. EDF Énergies Nouvelles listens to local residents where there is evidence of noise pollution in the operational phase. The acoustics are monitored at wind farms in operation to check the assumptions of impact studies and take any appropriate corrective measures. In 2017, EDF EN signed a partnership agreement with the Medical Studies Service of the EDF group in order to collaborate on environmental health issues related to wind farms. At the Nuclear Generation Division (DPN), acoustic measurements were taken periodically on the outskirts of power plants and the results were presented to the Local Information Commission. At the DIPDE, the TYMPAN software is an environmental acoustic engineering tool developed by the R&D Department and used for conducting acoustic impact studies of the facilities. In the case of Centraco, a measurement campaign was conducted for emerging tones at the Centraco site in 2017 and did not show any values that exceeded the regulatory thresholds. at the DPIH, we note a specific and innovative action on the La Coche (Department 73) site located in a peri-urban area. To limit the impact of the site for residents, the DPIH pays special attention to noise control and the acoustic and vibrations monitoring of the site. This monitoring is carried out continuously by an independent design office using sensors implanted on the closest homes. Alerts may be sent in real time if the pre-defined thresholds are exceeded, and noise reduction measures are taken immediately. At Dalkia, the issue of noise pollution is taken into account locally when the activities are deployed. This is managed by the SMI (Infrastructure maintenance site) and is also seen in the use of more silent new technologies such as special wall coverings, sound traps, and exhaust gas mufflers for co-generation facilities). At Citelum, as well as at Électricité de Strasbourg, the deployment of vehicles fitted with electric pods makes it possible to carry out operations with engines switched off during night operations. Sound measurements are taken systematically by Edison and Norte Flu who continuously monitor compliance with the regulatory thresholds. At the DIAG, the reporting guidelines for work spaces include an acoustic component aimed at improving the acoustic quality of work spaces; EDF also takes action at its hydroelectric facilities with, in particular, ■ hydro-guides during the tourist season: people who are trained by EDF, and can carry out risk prevention on river banks in Corsica, posters and alerts in the media. Our actions extend to prevention with subcontractors who work at or close to our facilities, and to prevention with companies that are not subcontractors but work close to the facilities;


For example : http://particuliers.es-energies.fr/particuliers/demenagement/jour-j-une-installation-electrique-conforme (1) http://particuliers.es-energies.fr/content/download/9670/60916/version/2/file/infos-securite-gaz.pdf. (2) For more information, see https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/R33396 (3)


EDF I Reference Document 2017

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