Hartpury University Open Day Guide



There are several key dates that students should be aware of. This is to ensure deadlines are met and applications are submitted on time. All the information you need for applying can be found on the UCAS website www.ucas.com Key dates and the UCAS application process 2019 entry

UCAS application deadline - 15 th January (18:00 UK time)

Deadline for most undergraduate courses. This is the last point that universities will give equal consideration to applications. UCAS Extra opens - 25 February This service is for applicants who made five initial choices, but have been unsuccessful in all cases or have declined any offers they received. Firm and insurance choices - Early May Choices need to be decided. BTEC/City & Guilds results - July BTEC results start to become available towards the end of the month. A-level results day - 15August A-level results are released. Final deadline for applications - 20September (18:00 UK time) Final deadline for applications to courses starting in September of the given year.

If you’ve got any questions our admissions team can help. You can contact them on admissions@hartpury.ac.uk +44 (0) 1452 702244


Recent research shows that UK graduates are happier than those without a higher education qualification (HEFCE 2017)

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