September 2016 SPDS Book

Ginger Clinical Trials

Ginger Clinical Trials ( ), n=29

NCT01733212 NCT00958685 NCT02666807 NCT02742194 NCT02289235 NCT02491307 NCT01887314 NCT02735486 NCT02570633 NCT02568644 NCT02032251 NCT01344538 NCT01429935 NCT02701491 NCT02390648 NCT00040742 NCT00940368 NCT02809027 NCT02576808 NCT00065221 NCT00064272 NCT02213549 NCT01915966 NCT02732379 NCT02535195 NCT00317655 NCT00611156 NCT01085019 NCT00537875

EfficacyofGinger on Intraoperative andPostoperative NauseaandVomiting in Elective CesareanSectionPatients

Completed Completed Completed Recruiting

SafetyStudy ofFeeding With Ginger Extract in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

EffectsofGinger Supplementation onNF‐KB inPeripheral BloodMononuclear Cells in Type2Diabetes Mellitus

Ginger Capsules for the Chronic Treatment ofObesity TheEffectsofGinger onNonalcoholicFatty Liver Disease

Active, not recruiting Behavioral Health Study


EfficacyStudy ofGinger (Zingiber Officinale) Extract"Ginpax" toManage Nausea inCancerPatientsReceiving High Emetogenic Treatments and Standard Anti‐emetogenic Therapy

Completed Completed Recruiting Completed Completed Completed Recruiting Completed Completed Recruiting Recruiting Completed Completed Completed Completed Recruiting Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed

Acute EffectsofGinger ExtractConsumption onRisk Markers ofCardiovascular Disease

Ginger Capsules for the Prophylactic Treatment of Migraine Ginger Capsules for the Acute Treatment of Migraine Attacks ReductionofSperm DNAFragmentation by Oral Ginger

Ginger forColorectalCancerPrevention

Anti Inflammatory andAnalgesic EffectofGinger Powder in Dental PainModel EffectofGinger onNausea andVomiting During Acute Gastroenteritis in Children EfficacyofGinger asanAdjunctive Prophylaxis forChemotherapy‐induced Nausea and Vomiting AStudy toAssess the Anti‐Emetic EfficacyofGinger in Children and Adolescents Receiving Chemotherapy EfficacyofGinger in the Prevention ofAbdominal Distention in PostCesareanSection Patient Study ofEfficacyandSafety ofGinger ExtractCompared With Loratadine forTreatment ofAllergic Rhinitis Ginger in Treating Nausea in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy forCancer UMCCOP02‐01Ginger in Treating Nausea andVomiting in PatientsReceiving Chemotherapy for Cancer EffectofCoadministration ofUme Paste (Prunus Mume) and Ginger Powder EfficacyStudy ofaGinger andCardamomGelatin for Xerostomy inTerminally Ill Patients EffectofAromatherapy onPostoperative Nausea,Vomiting andQuality ofRecovery Ginger ControlofChemotherapy Induced NauseaandVomiting

Active, not recruiting

Notyet recruiting

EffectofGinger Supplement onNon‐alcoholicFatty Liver

GlucosamineSulphate, Ginger, Ginger‐Avocado‐Soya and Ginger‐Ibuprofen forChronic BackPain

Examinationof the EffectsofFour Different Spices onEnergy Metabolism

ImpactofSpices and Herbs onEndothelial Function

Evaluationof theEffectofZingiber Officinalis on NauseaandVomiting in Patients Receiving Cisplatin BasedRegimens

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